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Dissertation Series Tutorial – Problem Formulation

Dissertation Series Tutorial – Problem Formulation

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This assignment has two parts.
Part 1: Problem Statement
View the Dissertation Series Tutorial – Problem Formulation.
Read the Guide to Developing the Problem Statement and then review the two sample problems below:
SAMPLE PROBLEM 1: The problem is that husbands caring for wives with breast cancer have a demanding caretaking schedule, resulting in failure to practice their own self-care (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
SAMPLE PROBLEM 2: The problem is that despite extreme workplace stress, police officers lack stress management skills, resulting in diminished health, family life, and work performance (Toers-Bijins, 2012).
Write a 1-sentence original problem for a prospective study you might conduct using the format below:
The problem is that _____ (state problem), resulting in ______ (consequence).
Include a citation to support the problem, and provide a reference.
Part 2: Background to the Problem
Locate 2 or 3 peer-reviewed scholarly articles (published within the last 5 years) from the University Library that address the problem.
Write 1 to 2 paragraphs providing a brief description and background of the identified problem using the scholarly articles to support the existence of the problem. Be sure to use a scholarly voice.
Use the provided Research Outline Template to ensure proper APA formatting.
Note: Beginning this week, you will be using this template for your assignments, with the expectation that all revisions are incorporated from feedback from the previous week(s).
Include APA-formatted in-text citations, a title page, and a reference page.
Submit your assignment.
Note: You will continue to narrow the focus of the problem as you continue reading relevant literature.

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