First, choose which two works you’ll be focusing on for this essay.
· You can choose two short stories, two poems, or one of each
· It is recommended (though not required) that the two works you choose come from the same Module
· The two works should have a topic or theme in common
Then, re-read the works.
· What do they have in common? What topics, themes, and literary devices are shared?
· How do they differ? Are they expressing the same theme in different ways? Discussing the same topic but expressing different themes?
· What literary elements does each use to illustrate or emphasize its theme?
· Make note of quotes from the texts that you might want to use in your essay.
Review these resources:
· The Spiderman Paper.docx: This annotated sample essay points out all the required formatting and organizational components in an essay
· Video guide to literary analysis
· Writing Toolkit: Compare / Contrast
For this essay, you’ll be comparing how two different works explore the same or similar themes in their own ways.
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