202420 U.S. Government POS-2041-24827 Assignment Details
Select one of the prompts and answer the question at the end of your writing create a question for your classmates about the prompt you selected. You can use your textbook and online resources to help you, however, your sources must be cited. Your reply must be a ful I page in M LA format without a header (name, date, class, etc..) and you must reply to 2 of your classmate’s questions with a full paragraph 4 sentences and compliments do not count).
Prompt l:What considerations should the U.S. make in deciding what foreign policy tools (diplomacy, economic aid, technical assistance, military intervention, etc.) to use?
Prompt 2:Are there situations in which the president should be allowed to act without consulting Congress
Prompt 3:Does the United States now follow a moral idealist or a political realist approach in international affairs? To what extent? Why does the text argue that U.S. foreign policy is a hybrid of the two
PPrompt 4: Should security concerns always be our primary guiding factor in deciding which challenges to address and how?
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