South Africa Travel Guidebook Project Proposal Purpose: Choose and evaluate primary sources and submit a project proposal that demonstrates the viability of a project topic. Task:First, read over the assignment for the final Travel Guidebook project. Then, choose a topic for the project. Your topic should be thematic and regional, meaning that you’ll investigate change over time in a particular place through a particular lens. This theme can be broad for small sites, but it should be more specific if you choose a city or region. Examples include “Cape Town as a Jazz City”, “Rule and Resistance in the Drakensburg Mountains” or “Farm Stall Histories in the Western Cape.” By choosing a place, you are helping to focus the guidebook. You cannot use the entire country as the base for the guidebook.You will now write a proposal for this final project. The proposal should be approximately 1-2 double spaced pages in length and must consist of the following elements: [HINT: Organize the proposal using these bullet points]1. A preliminary title for the guidebook2. An explanation of the topic in a few sentences. Be sure to explain the theme and the region/city/place.3. Ideas for the mini-topics for your travel guidebook articles.
Module 3, Article 1: (Global Awareness) What context will you feature?
Module 4, Article 2: (Global Perspective) What two or more perspectives will you examine, and what will be the focus (document, person, event, etc)?
Module 5, Article 3: (Global Engagement) What controversial issue will you investigate?
4. A list of 5 sources that you plan to use in the guidebook. These can be individual sources (like a document to be used in article #2, or an image you found particularly useful) or databases that you plan to draw from. Every chapter in the textbook contains resources, web links, and ideas for further research at the end. A list of online resources is listed on page 360.5. The digital platform that you will be using to complete the project (BookWright(Links to an external site.), Microsoft Publisher, etc.) Note: you must use a dedicated publishing platform for this project. Do not use MS Word, Google Docs, or Apple Pages, for example)Use 12 pt standard font, and 1-inch margins.You will receive a score of complete or incomplete for this submission. To ensure full credit you must include all of the sections in this assignment.
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