Tracing the Scientific Method SWOT Analysis of Innovation Chart
Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data
Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice
Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resources
Pose vital and relevant scientific questions to identify problems, challenges, and opportunities for the development of innovative products and services in the life sciences
I. Paper Format (10 points)
A. Paper label and title page (4):
1. Label your paper as follows: First and last name SWOT (e.g., Sharon Brown SWOT) (2)
2. Title page (name, instructor, title, due date) (2)
B. Sections of paper labeled properly (1)
C. Type double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch margins (2)
D. 3-4 pages (not including title page and reference page) (3)
II. Paper Content (70 points) SWOT Analysis Please follow the instructions, labeling each section of your paper according to the headings and subheadings for A and B below.A. Introduction of the innovation (20 points)
1. Trace the scientific method (5) identify the observations, question, hypothesis, experiment, results, and conclusion of primary article B.
2. Eureka! moment (5) In 4-5 sentences, describe a Eureka! moment an aspect of the research
(introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, conclusion) that stood out as you read primary article B which you believe could lead to an innovative technique, project, product, or service in the life sciences.
3. Innovation (5) Based on the Eureka! moment you have identified, fully and specifically explain an innovative technique, service, product, or research. The innovation must be a technique, project, product, or service that you come up with on your own not one presented in primary article B.
4. Contribution (5) explain the ways in which your innovative method, research, product, or service can contribute to the biotechnology field.
B. SWOT Analysis of the innovation (50 points)
1. SWOT Analysis Chart (40)
a. Based on your proposed innovative method, research, product, or service, and the nature of your biotechnology company, fill in the SWOT analysis chart found below.
b. You must fill in at least five responses for each of the four categories.
2. SWOT Analysis follow-up (10)
a. How you can use the identified strengths to take advantage of your opportunities? (2.5)
b. How can the identified strengths combat the threats that are in the market? (2.5)
c. How can the identified external opportunities help you combat the identified internal weaknesses? (2.5)
d. How can you minimize the weaknesses so that you can avoid the threats that you identified? (2.5)
1. Strengths (10) List 5 internal resources of your company that could contribute to the success of your innovation
2. Weaknesses (10) List 5 internal factors about your company that could hinder the success of your innovation
3. Opportunities (10) List 5 external factors that could contribute to the success of your innovation
4. Threats (10) List 5 external threats that could hinder the success of your innovation
III. Paper References (15 points)
A. Use at least 10 references (5) DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA
B. In-text references in APA format (5) (All references should be cited throughout the paper)
C. End references in APA-format (5)
D. If no references are cited, a grade of zero for this paper will be assigned.
IV. Paper Grammar (5 points) Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.
V. Presentation Submission
A. Please label your paper with your first and last name followed by SWOT for example, Sharon Brown SWOT. B. Submit the assignment as a Word Document in the appropriate assignment folder. Do not submit this assignment as a PDF file it will not be graded.
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