Topic: Greek: Antigone, Medea, andType of work:EssayLevel:UndergraduateNumber of pages:2 pages = 250/-Grade:High Quality (Normal Charge)Formatting style:MLALanguage Style:English (U.S.)
Website Region:United States
InstructionsHideHi, you cant use the other sources except the three plays that I sent you.
22 Sep 2020 18:11
Prompt: What information about Greek gender relations and Greek life can we learn from a specific
Greek play or plays? In your essay, provide information and evidence from a specific play or
plays and characters without retelling the story. That is, you should presume your reader has
read the play. Explain the importance and innovation of Greek plays.
double-spaced, Times or Times New Roman font, paginated, and given
a good title that includes the number of the question to which each essay responds.
Successful essays will provide evidence of having understood lectures, having read the
relevant materials and an ability to use precise vocabulary within the essays. Demonstrate
your mastery of the topics by using examples that are fully explained. Any illustrations
should be fully labeled and explained.
Your essay should provide a thesis (an argument) or a theme that unifies your answer.
Please DO NOT use Google or other internet sources. All of the materials for answering the
questions should come from lecture or class reading materials or discussion
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