DIRECTIONS: Complete a Tic-Tac-Toe by answering three questions in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Then you must answer another two questions for a second tic-tac-toe. So, you have FIVE questions that you must answer . Each question is worth TWELVE points for a total of 60 points, so make sure you answer thoroughly and completely. You will need to complete Final Exam as a word document and upload it CANVAS in the final exam drop box.
Bonus Question:
You will complete the following two-part question. (Maximum points is 5 points):
a. Select a disability from the 13 disability categories.
b. Describe the characteristics for the disability you selected and how the specific disability you selected impacts student learning and access to the curriculum.
Because students with learning difficulties often have deficits in executive functions, they are at risk of academic failure.
a. List four critical skills related to learning that might be affected by these deficits.
b. For each of these critical skills, identify at least one study skills strategy that might help these students to improve their academic performance.
List and describe stages of RTI; provide two specific examples of academic and behavioral interventions at each tier.
List how can teachers differentiate in the classroom. Provide an example of a DI strategy and describe its use with a specific lesson in a specific subject area.
What are accommodations? How do they differ from modifications? A student’s accommodations might differ from one setting to another. Explain why this might be the case and offer an example. Name at least three accommodations categories. For each, give an example of an accommodation and describe how it could support a student with a disability.
List and describe the five stages of learning and list two strategies each to use in the first three stages.
Think about a lesson you might teach. Briefly describe it and identify at least four types of sheltered instructional supports you might provide for your ELL students. List at least five types of instructional strategies for students who are ELL
Write a clear, specific, and measurable objective for skill area (e. g., phonics). Identify two activities that you could use to teach this skill that requires student involvement, and identify two areas of assessment.
Identify at least two reasons why it is important to teach students study skills, describe two different types of study skill strategies and at least two considerations when teaching how to use study skills.
Identify three specific things that a teacher can do to establish collaboration with a family member and three things that a teacher can do to assist the parent with the IEP process and at the IEP meeting.
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