For this particular assignment, much of the data and information that you provide MUST come from the U.S. CIAs World Factbook, which is available online at: (Links to an external site.).
However, you will need to use other sources for some additional information, as well as maps, pictures, and other images that are also expected to be included. Be aware that you will need to provide a proper bibliographic citation for all sources (including the World Factbook) that you used for the assignment on a final Sources slidethis includes the sources of maps and pictures, be sure to keep track of these as you complete the assignment.
As with the previous assignments, you will be expected to put all of the information requested for this assignment in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation document. Once again, you must let the instructor know IN ADVANCE if you have any problems with being able to use this software.
Your presentation must include the following slides with the information as specified below:
Slide #1: The State. For slide #1, you should go to the Government section of the CIA World Factbook and find and report the following:
Like the first assignment, your first slide must include your name and the various toponyms of the place (i.e., conventional long form, local long form, etc.). Note: If for some reason your place is not an independent sovereign state, then you should provide the name of the country to which it has dependency status.
Insert an image of the flag that represents the government of this place and provide a brief explanation of what its key elements represent (e.g., why certain colors or why certain symbols?).
Its date of independence (if appropriate) and its national holiday.
Toponym of the capital and at least one picture that illustrates some aspect of the cultural landscape of the capital. Include a brief caption to specify what the picture represents.
Type of government and the number administrative divisions/units.
Include a map that shows the territorial boundaries of this state and its capital.
Slide #2: The Dominant Nation. For slide #2, you should go to the People and Society section of the CIA World Factbook and find and report the following:
The name (as given in the English language) to refer to the nationality of the people of this place.
From the Ethnic groups information provided (below Nationality), the percentage of the population that is specifically identified as being of this nationality. Then, calculate the actual number of people that this group represents by multiplying the current total population by this percentage. Note: If this specific nationality is not included as an ethnic group, then use the information for the largest ethnic group listed, and be sure to give the name of this group.
Summarize the ways in which citizenship is determined within this state in order to be considered a member of this nation.
Using the information provided in the Introduction section of your places CIA World Factbook page, as well as information from other sources as needed, write a one paragraph description (at least 50 words) of this nationality and how this group came to be the dominant nation within this state.
Include at least one picture that illustrates some aspect of the cultural landscape in this state that is specifically associated with this nation of people. Include a caption that briefly explains what aspect of the nations culture it represents.
Brief summaries/explanations for at least 3 of the following additional elements about this nation:
The most common religion/spiritual faith practiced within this group.
The most common way of making a living.
Example of a particular type of food preference.
Example of a particular style of clothing preference.
Example of a particular style of music preference.
Example of an important cultural event or tradition.
Slide #3: Ethnic Groups & Stateless Nations. Find information about at least 2 of the minority ethnic groups (i.e., stateless nations) that live within this place. The Ethnic groups information in the CIA World Factbook People and Society section will identify some of these for you, but you may need to consult other sources for additional information. For each group, include the following:
The name of each ethnic group, its estimated percentage of the population in this place, and then calculate the approximate number of people in this group based on the current total population of the place from the World Factbook.
Provide a brief description of EACH group (at least 30 words for each) that includes at least 3 specific examples of the core traits of the group (e.g., language, religion, phenotypes, etc.).
Include at least one image for EACH group that illustrates an important aspect of it (e.g., cultural landscape, some distinctive cultural trait or practice, etc.). Provide a caption for each image that briefly explains what it is a picture of and why it is an important aspect of the ethnic group.
Include a map that identifies the area(s) of the country with which each group is most strongly associated.
Slide #4: Political Geography in the News. Find and read a recent news article that discusses an example of a political issue in this place. Write a summary of this article (at least 100 words) and, in the process, discuss at least 2 specific examples of concepts or issues from our course material that this article illustrates about the political geography of this place. Add at least one picture either from the article or from another source that helps illustrate an aspect of this article and its connection with this places political geography.
Slide #5: Nation-State Analysis. Using the information you have gathered for the previous slides (and previous assignment slides, if appropriate), write an analysis (at least 100 words) regarding the extent to which this place represents a nation-state, as specifically defined and discussed in the course content. You must state whether or not it you think it can appropriately be called a nation-state based upon the information regarding this concept from the course material, and if not, what other term is more appropriate (e.g., multinational state, multiethnic state, etc.). Reference specific pieces of evidence from the previous slides or other sources to support your analysis. Give at least one example of the potential cultural challenges or issues that you think this place is likely going to face in the near future as a result of its status in this regard.
Slide #6: Territorial Morphology. Using the information provided in the Government section of the World Factbook page for this place, create a slide that provides the following information about the government of this place:
Insert a map of this place that clearly illustrates its territorial morphology. This should include not only its primary territorial boundaries, but also designate its capital city and its administrative divisions/units.
Write a paragraph (at least 75 words) in which you analyze the territorial morphology of this place. State which specific type (or perhaps types) you think it represents and explain why.
Slide #7: Centripetal vs. Centrifugal Forces: Using information from a variety of sources, create a slide that includes the following:
Describe at least one specific example of a centripetal force that you think is currently helping to promote unity and cohesion within this place. Include an image of this place (picture, map, etc.) that helps illustrate this centripetal force.
Describe at least one specific example of a centrifugal force that you think is currently contributing to destabilizing this place and could possibly cause it to fragment. Include an image of this place (picture, map, etc.) that helps illustrate this centrifugal force.
Write a one paragraph assessment (at least 75 words) of the centripetal versus centrifugal forces in this place. Do you think these forces are equally balanced or does one set of these forces seem stronger to you than the other? Ultimately, do you think this place will remain united politically or is it likely to fragment at some point in the near future?
Slide #8: Place Reflection. On this slide, you simply need to write a personal reflection (at least 100 words) in which you discuss the top 3 things (or more, if you prefer) that you learned about this place from this assignment. You may discuss examples of things that you personally found interesting or examples of topics that you think are critically important for understanding cultural and political geography of this place.
Slide #9: Sources. Your final slide should include a listing of all of the sources that you used for this assignment. You should list each source using a PROPER bibliographic citation in either APA or MLA style. This includes the CIA World Factbook, as well as the course textbook or class notes, if used. NOTE! Simply pasting the URL address for a webpage is NOT a proper bibliographic citation. Please let me know in advance if you need any help with making proper citations.
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