Do spss data analysis on the excel result attached below and do a 2 pages result section on it. Kindly attach the spss file to the document.
H1: The degree to which individuals feel general stigmatization about mental health is positively related to how much self-stigma they feel.
H2: People who experience negative doctor-patient communication are more likely to engage in self-stigmatizing beliefs and behaviors related to their health condition compared to positive doctor-patient communication.
Subscales for h2 A. Physician’s Empathy
B. Information Provision
C. Respect and Dignity
Remember, you use t-tests when you have a categorical variable like gender predicting a continuous variable. In this case, all of your variables are continuous, so you would use correlations because correlations are for when you are hypothesizing that two continuous variables are related.
The first step for testing your hypotheses is to construct composite variables in SPSS that are composed of the mean score across the items for each construct. So for your Patient Empathy scale you would average those two items together.
H1: The degree to which individuals feel general stigmatization about mental health is positively related to how much self-stigma they feel.
H2: People who experience negative doctor-patient communication are more likely to engage in self-stigmatizing beliefs and behaviors related to their health condition compared to positive doctor-patient communication.
Subscales for h2 A. Physician’s Empathy
B. Information Provision
C. Respect and Dignity
Study Design
This study made use of a quantitative design using a questionnaire to measure doctor-patient diagnosis communication and how it can impact self-stigmatization.
The study had 200 Adults living with a mental health diagnosis as its participants. To guarantee a thorough understanding of mental health stigmatization, a broad sample of participants was recruited from various sources for adequate representation. The survey was aimed at including people from a variety of age groups, genders, nationalities, and socioeconomic backgrounds to collect views from a wide spectrum of people on stigmatizing mental health.
Participants were recruited through the Western Illinois University emailing list, and online platforms, including social media, were also used to recruit participants. The age group for this research is adults over 18 and therefore would not need parental consent to participate in this study.
Participants will be asked to complete a survey that assesses their experiences with doctor-patient communication, self-stigmatization, and mental health outcomes. The survey will include validated measures such as The Stigma and Self-Stigma Scale (SASS) which was developed by Corrigan, Markowitz, Watson, Rowan, and Kubiak in 2003, this scale will be used to measure both their general stigma and self-stigmatization subscales and The Patient-Doctor Communication Scale by Haskard, DiMatteo, and Heritage (2009). These scales were edited to fit the study. The study will take each participant 5 minutes to complete.
General stigmatization scale
Participants perception of general stigmatization was measured using the first half of the Stigma and Self-Stigma Scale (SASS). This scale measures the perceived stigma by people living with mental health illnesses. 4 questions were used to measure this scale, the questions were gotten from Docksey et al. (2022)
Self-Stigmatization scale
Participants perception of self-stigmatization was measured using the second half of the Stigma and Self-Stigma Scale (SASS). This scale will be measuring the internalization of stigma and negative beliefs towards oneself because of their mental health illness. There were 5 questions used to measure this scale, the questions were obtained from Docksey et al., (2022).
Doctor-patient communication
Participants perception of their doctor-patient communication was measured by the Patient-Doctor Communication scale (PD-COM). This scale measures the quality of communication between patients and their healthcare providers.
This scale has 15 items that can be measured using a questionnaire that assesses various aspects of communication, including patients’ perceptions of their healthcare provider’s attentiveness, communication skills, and responsiveness to their needs.
Yes = 1, No = 0
Male 1. Female 2, prefer not to say 0, gender queer 3
(1) Strongly Agree (2) Agree 3 somewhat agree (4) Neutral 5 somewhat disagree (6) Disagree (7) Strongly Disagree
great 1, good 2, somewhat good3 , fine4, somewhat bad 5, bad6 , terrible 7.
Dear participant, thank you for agreeing to be a part of this study. This questionnaire is strictly for research purposes, and any answer you provide will be highly confidential. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Please tick the appropriate box that best represents your stance or write the answer most appropriate to you. Note that there are no right or wrong answers.
1. How old are you? ___________
2. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder? a) Yes b) No
Stigma and Self-Stigma Scale (SASS):
“Please indicate the extent to which you believe the following statements towards your about mental health disorder”:
Section I: Stigma Subscale
A) Anticipated Stigma Subscale
1. Because of my mental health disorder, I would worry other people would think that I am weak
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree.
2. Because of my mental health disorder, I would worry other people would avoid talking to me.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
3. Because of my mental health disorder, I would worry other people would think I was exaggerating my difficulties.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
4. Because of my mental health disorder, I would worry that other people might think that I was not really ill.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
B) Self-stigma
5. I feel ashamed because of my mental health disorder.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
6. If I cannot solve my own problems because of my mental health disorder, I would feel bad about myself.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
7. I feel weak because of my mental health disorder.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
8. I feel like no one would want to get close to me because of my mental health disorder,
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
9. I would feel a failure if I became mentally incapacitated because of my mental health disorder,
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Patient-Doctor Communication (PD-COM) SCALE:
Dear participants, we kindly request you focus on patient-doctor interactions during a mental health diagnosis while using this doctor-patient communication scale. This will help us gather specific and valuable information on the quality of Doctor-Patient interaction during a mental health diagnosis.
These are the following scales to take note of while filling out the questionnaire. a) Evaluate the initial communication between you and your doctor during a mental health diagnosis. b) focus on the communication around the diagnosis and the sufficiency of the information provided by the health care practitioner that influenced your understanding of your mental health diagnosis. c) evaluate the doctors ability to provide enough empathy and emotional support during the mental health diagnosis interaction. By focusing on these specific areas of doctor-patient communication, we aim to get a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of healthcare professionals specifically during a mental health diagnosis. Thank you for your participation and valuable contribution.
Section II: Communication Quality Subscale
Please rate your experiences with your doctor in the following areas of communication quality.
A. Physician’s Empathy
The doctor shows understanding and concern for my well-being.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
The doctor actively listens to my concerns and feelings.
· (a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
B. Information Provision
The doctor explains my health condition and treatment options clearly.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
The doctor provides information in a way that I can easily understand.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
C. Respect and Dignity
The doctor treats me with respect and dignity, regardless of my health condition.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
The doctor acknowledges my autonomy and rights in decision-making.
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Section III: Overall Assessment
Overall, how would you rate the quality of communication with your doctor?
(a) Strongly Agree (b) Agree (c) Neutral (d) Disagree (e) Strongly Disagree
Section IV: Additional Comments (Optional)
Please provide any additional comments or suggestions regarding your doctor’s communication quality.
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