8 – 10 PAGES
An important part of your grade is your Final Self-assessment Paper. Although it
is not due until the final week of class, it is important that you begin thinking
about this assignment early on. As the course goes forward, I encourage you to
take notes or journal some of the ideas you intend to express in the assignment
below. You will notice in Lesson 9 that you will have to submit an outline of
your final paper.
In our Leadership and Motivation course you have the opportunity to gain
awareness of how different aspects of your personal behavioral, leadership and
motivational skills sets influence your management style and potential, whatever
your course of study at PSU has been. By participating in the class leadership
and motivational exercises and reflections, many of your strengths and new
confidences may have been brought to light, as well as some compelling
challenges that may need to be developed further.
In this paper, you will collect your thoughts by revisiting and re-evaluating the
information you learned in this course and other courses, and then draw some
conclusions about your learning agenda for managing and improving your
leadership career path going forward.
In your paper:
A. Identify and what you feel are your two (2) best leadership and motivational
(managerial) skill areas and support this with specific examples of how they
will help you in the future.
B. Identify and discuss two (2) skills in this course that you would like to
improve and work on. Explain how you will do this and why you think they
are or will be essential to your leadership success.
For each of the skill areas you choose, discuss and tie them together into a
cohesive paper with an introduction, conclusion, and appropriate transitions.
Back up your observations, experiences, current events, thoughts, and /or
analysis by relating it to the various theories you learned in the lessons, where
appropriate. Also, you are to reference and cite at least three (3) new sources in
addition to those you were exposed to throughout the semester.
End your paper with the final page by discussing your career goals and what
skills you will need to develop to go beyond your current skill set and station in
life after you graduate¦.continuing education and learning should always be a
big part of your life.
One-Page Outline
I. Introduction: Page 1
The introduction page will place emphasis on the overall material of the course as well as the progression of my management journey; specifically how my mentality changes over time to the final lesson of the course.
II. Body Paragraphs: Page 2-3
The body paragraph will place an emphasis on the importance of leadership and motivation within a workplace setting; specifically the type of leadership behaviors and essential skills for future leaders.
III. Body Paragraphs: Page 4-6
These paragraphs will focus on the importance of company culture as well as the idea of belonging to something greater a motivating factor. This will showcase the potential for other to demonstrate their leadership potential within a workplace setting; additionally with other tactics such as delegation.
IV. Body Paragraphs: Page 7-8
These paragraphs will focus on decision traps and decision analysis; placing an emphasis on using the decision tree as guiding factor for future decisions and their associated opportunity costs.
V. Conclusion and Citations: Page 8-9
The conclusion will re-instate what I learned throughout the course as well as my train of thought; details on how I plan to use the material learned via my day-to-day life, responsibilities and overarching career goals.
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