Students will produce a hypothesis-based review of the primary literature relevant to a contemporary medical issue, problem or controversy. Papers will follow a specific format specified in this syllabus and outlined in the RLRA Guide to Authors (Appendix C). The hypothesis-based review must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic, methodology and implications of the cited primary literature, especially with respect to clinical trials. The final product will be 20-30 pages excluding appendices and references, double spaced, 10-12 point font, default margins, suitable for publication with references to the literature cited. A simple summary of the medical literature on a specific topic (standard review article), is not an acceptable format for this assignment. Students that produce exceptional hypothesis-based reviews will be encouraged to consider submitting their final papers for peer-reviewed publication with the support of the RLRA faculty
Research: Literature Review & Analysis
Saba University School of Medicine
Students will produce a hypothesis-based review of the primary literature relevant to a contemporary medical issue, problem or controversy. Papers will follow a specific format
specified in this syllabus and outlined in the RLRA Guide to Authors (Appendix C). The hypothesis-based review must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic, methodology and implications of the cited primary literature, especially with respect to clinical trials. The final product will be 20-30 pages excluding appendices and references, double spaced, 10-12 point
font, default margins, suitable for publication with references to the literature cited. A simple summary of the medical literature on a specific topic (standard review article), is not an
acceptable format for this assignment. Students that produce exceptional hypothesis-based reviews will be encouraged to consider submitting their final papers for peer-reviewed publication with the support of the RLRA faculty.
Course duration:
The course begins in the 4th semester and is completed during the 6th semester.
3. General teaching methods:
One-on-one mentoring by an assigned faculty mentor
4. Course Objectives:
Throughout the course you will develop skills related to:
A.) Searching clinical and basic science literature in a systematic manner, following an appropriate search methodology
B.) Establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria for primary literature searches
C.) Understanding clinical and basic scientific research
D.) Critical appraisal of primary literature
E.) Developing a research question from a broad topic
F.) Developing a clear hypothesis derived from a research question
G.) Formulating a plan and timetable for completion of a detailed, primary literature-based project
H.) Integrating basic and clinical science to address contemporary issues in medicine
I.) Synthesizing information from multiple sources into a coherent presentation
J.) Interpersonal skills in a mentor mentee relationship
K.) Reflecting on social and ethical consequences of medicine
L.) Independently producing a scholarly product
M.) Effective written communication skills
5. Course Content:
Research questions
Hypothesis generation
Critical appraisal of the primary literature
Independent research
Effective written communication
Course Competencies:
2 SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE: Students must demonstrate knowledge
about established and evolving biomedical, clinical, and associated sciences and
application of this knowledge to the practice of medicine throughout the life cycle.
The medical graduate will be expected to:
a. Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific and humanistic foundations of medicine
Methods of Teaching:
Independent study with mentor guidance
Methods of Assessment:
Writing assignments (RLRA Preliminary Draft Formative; RLRA Forms 1 and 2, and
RLRA Final Paper – Summative). See Appendix A for grading criteria
ethods and results in a manner
that makes the reader eager to read
the remainder of the paper.
Describes strategy for literature search, study
inclusion/exclusion criteria, methods of data
synthesis. Includes an Adapted PRISMA 2009
Flow Diagram.
Clearly describes excellent strategy
for literature search, study
inclusion/exclusion criteria, and
methods of data synthesis. Includes
an Adapted PRISMA 2009 Flow
Demonstrates general understanding of relevant
concepts. Results described appropriately (i.e.,
reviewed studies relevant to research question and
hypothesis; not missing important studies; not
drawing inappropriate conclusions or going beyond
the data, enough detail provided to understand
conclusions without just listing studies, results are
related specifically back to question). Compilation
and integration of multiple studies is evident. See
page 7.
Demonstrates clear understanding
of relevant concepts and thorough
literature review. Well-articulated
and makes interesting or creative
points. Appropriate use of tables
and figures. Appropriate
compilation, differentiation, and
integration of results across studies
with attention to methodological
differences and quality.
Demonstrates adequate understanding of the
results in relation to the question. Synthesis and
comparison of studies is evident. Articulates
limitations of the studies and the review itself.
Keen interpretation and strong
understanding of the results in
relation to the literature, clearly
articulates limitations and provides
possible avenues for future study.
Literature Cited
Contains an adequate number of appropriate
references in a standard format.
Contains an exceptional number of
recent references in a standard
Other points
Only minor issues with formatting, spelling,
grammar, etc.
Thoroughly proofread and contains
no issues with formatting, spelling,
grammar, etc.
Summary of Review
and Overall
Contains only limited negative feedback based on
the categories above.
Contains no negative feedback
related to the categories above.
RLRA Library Resources
I. SUSOM Website/Library Database Resources
Available via
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