After you’ve read and annotated at least three sources, please write out responses to the following prompts:
Write out the research question you’re exploring through Writing Project 3. The research question is how important the family enviromant for a children’s life.
Find some sources in Academic search complete at this website
like The quality of family relationships for siblings of children with mental health problems: a 20-year systematic review.
Don’t Ask the Kids.
Consider your first source: write out the name(s) of the author(s) (if given), the article title, the name of the publication, the date of publication, and the page numbers (if given) for this source, along with the name of the library database from which you found the source. Then write two paragraphs about this source: one paragraph in which you summarize what the author is saying, and another paragraph in which you respond to what the author is saying (e.g., discuss whether you agree or disagree, whether the source is helpful to your own thinking about your research question, etc.).
Consider your second source: write out the name(s) of the author(s) (if given), the article title, the name of the publication, the date of publication, and the page numbers (if given) for this source, along with the name of the library database from which you found the source. Then write two paragraphs about this source: one paragraph in which you summarize what the author is saying, and another paragraph in which you respond to what the author is saying (e.g., discuss whether you agree or disagree, whether the source is helpful to your own thinking about your research question, etc.).
Consider your third source: write out the name(s) of the author(s) (if given), the article title, the name of the publication, the date of publication, and the page numbers (if given) for this source, along with the name of the library database from which you found the source. Then write two paragraphs about this source: one paragraph in which you summarize what the author is saying, and another paragraph in which you respond to what the author is saying (e.g., discuss whether you agree or disagree, whether the source is helpful to your own thinking about your research question, etc.).
If you have additional periodical sources, or if you have websites or other sources, write out summaries and responses for them now.
Looking back over all your sources, respond to these questions:
What have you learned about your overall topic after reading these sources?
In what specific ways could these sources help you answer your question?
Of all the sources you read, which do you think you’ll use in your paper about this question? Why?
Consider whether there are other types of sources that could help you explore your research question. Is there someone you could interview? Could you develop a questionnaire that you distribute in person or online? Something else? (See “Field Research” in your textbook for more ideas (blue book: p. 506-510; yellow book: 463-468).) Write out some notes about possible field sources you might consult.
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