Identify the research question(s) for this study.
The researcher’s question is “what is the quality of daily life during active cancer treatment?” The question dives further into the quality of life of these patients during cancer treatment by asking what affected their quality of life either during the treatment or in their daily life. The researcher mentions there is other research which involves a quantitative approach to answer the question however the researcher in this article wants to take an interest in their daily lives and to focus directly on their views (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Provide a critique of the sample and setting in the study.
The researcher used purposive sampling to get a wide range of different cancer patients. Out of the 30 participants the sample included patients with different sites, types, and stages of cancer, and also included different ages of participants with varying lengths of treatment. To be in the study participants needed to meet the inclusion criteria which consisted of age older than 18, treatment that started at least six months prior to study, and able to communicate in French. The exclusion criteria consisted of under the age of 18 and treatment under 6 months or in the terminal phase of cancer. The study was done in oncology departments at three university hospitals, two in Paris, and one in northern France where they interviewed each participant.
The sampling selected patients that was beneficial to the study and of different variations of patients to maximize the results. The researcher also mentions they selected patients that were not in the norm to challenge the study to, the patients that might invalidate what was previously found in other studies. Overall, the sampling was done well and included a variation of patients that lead to saturation of data towards the end of the study.
Discuss the findings and their interpretations.
The findings of this study were split into two categories, what negatively affected their quality of daily life during the treatment period, and what positively affected their quality of daily life during treatment. The negatives of the treatment were mainly based on side effects of the treatment and the positives were mainly use of support object or activity (Sibeoni et al., 2018). The conclusion of the study is based on the fact that patients need to take part in their care and find that support object or activity to help them through the process of treatment. The fact that the only negative during treatment was the side effects of the medications or chemotherapy allows the patient an opportunity to take part in their care and focus on the object or activity they can use for support (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Sibeoni, J., Picard, C., Orri, al.Patients’ quality of life during active cancer treatment: a qualitative study.BMC Cancer 18, 951 (2018).
Tappen, R. M. (2023). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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