Observer: S.V Date: 7/19/2022
Location: Home
Type of observation (circle): Cognitive Learning
Description of the Context
Childs name:
Dmitri Danilov
Childs age
9 years
Childs grade:
Fourth Grade
Childs academic achievement:
Dmitri is doing well
Childs main academic interests:
Reading non-fiction books, and writing, play games
Childs relationships with classmates:
Dmitri loves to play with his peers. He enjoys having conversations with children who share the same interests. He also enjoys recreational activities with his friends in school and afterschool.
Childs relationships with the teacher (other authorities):
Dmitri respects his teachers and other authorities. He understands his role as a student in the classroom. He often seeks individual attention from his teachers and loves to be recognized for his efforts and accomplishments.
Socio-economic status of the childs family:
Dmitri comes from a low-class family.
Childs family composition
Dmitri resides in a single-parent household. He resides with his mother and with eldest brother 22 years, who is now studying upstate in college.
Childs family atmosphere
Dmitri lives in a warm and carrying family.
Childs relationships with relatives
Dmitri has a great relationship with his grandfather, grandmother, aunt, and uncles.
Presence/absence of childs special need(s):
Dmitri does not have any special needs.
Presence/absence of IEP or any therapy sessions
Dmitri does not have an IEP, but receives individual support in the classroom to help him stay on task. Dmitri sees a social worker once a week to talk about his feelings. He started receiving help in the second grade when the teacher noticed he had some behavior issues in the classroom. Some of these behaviors included disruptive behavior like, fidgeting, playing with an object, making noises, or refusing to complete his work. Getting Dmitri to stay on task was a challenge, so the teacher and parent needed to come up with a plan to get him to focus.
The sequence of the childs activities under observation
The teacher assigned the child to read a book, and then Dmitri answered questions about the book.
The main task the child is accomplishing while being observed
(describe in detail)
The main task is to observe how Dmitri will concentrate on the given task and assess his reading skills.
Something else what observer believes is important to know about the child.
Dmitri loves playing gambol, reading books, creating comics of his own, drawing
Description of Childs Activities/Actions Observers Comments
What an observer sees (it is reality, it is objective)
What an observer thinks about it (subjective opinion and interpretation)
The teacher prepared several books and said: Its time for ELA. Choose your book Dmitri picked up a book named The golden sword and sat down, waiting to hear directions from the teacher.
Dmitri was excited to choose a book on his own.
The teacher says, Begin to read, and Dmitri read the cover page, then turned the page and begins reading the story.
Able to follow teachers guidance.
Dmitri stopped in the middle of the sentence on the second page of the book, and he looked confused. The teacher says, Look at me one time, If you run into a tricky word, and you cant stretch it out, skip it. Dmitri asked to skip the question.
Dmitri looked confused and upset that he did not know the word.
He is able to use coping skills when hes upset.
Later, Dmitri reached a tricky word and asked to skip the word again. The teacher says, Dmitri lets try to stretch the word before you skip it Dmitri does not want to try and said, I dont know, let just skip it.
Lack of effort in case of failure.
Dmitri finished reading the book. The teacher says, Okay, lets close the book, and I will ask you some questions. Are you ready? Dmitri closed the book, gave it to the teacher. He responded yes, by nodding his head, letting her know that he was ready.
Listen and follow directions.
The teacher asked, What is the name of the story? Dmitri says, The golden sword.
Remains focused on the activity at hand.
The teacher says, Good job! Could you tell me what happened at the beginning of the story? Dmitri answers, I forgot because I was not looking at all the pages. The teacher looked at Dmitri and said: Remember when you are reading a book, it is important to look at the words, listen to it and look at the pictures so that you can understand it.
Dmitri is honest and trustworthy during his answers.
Shows respect to a teacher by carefully listening to the comments.
Responds appropriately when corrected.
The teacher says, Alright, lets move forward. What do you think the book is about? Dmitri smiles and answers Golden Sword
Always enthusiastic when answers the questions.
The teacher says, Who are the characters in the story? Dmitri took a pause and then said: Sam, its Greg, Ruby , and Bob.
The teacher says, Do you know where the setting was in the story? Dmitri asked a question, What is setting? The teacher says, A setting is where the story takes place. Where are the characters? Dmitri gingerly answers, They are in the backyard. Excellent, now you know what setting means, the teacher says.
Perseveres when faced with difficulty by asking questions and trying his best.
Dmitri is able to ask for help.
The teacher says, Could you tell me what happened in the middle of the story? Dmitri answers, They trade it. The teacher asks, Who trade it? Dmitri explains, Bob! The teacher asks, What did he trade? Dmitri answers, sword.
Answers are very short.
Dmitri is not extensive in his vocabulary.
The teacher says, Alright, we are almost done. Do you remember what happened at the end of the story? Dmitri answers, Yes, Greg swung his sword at up to the sky.
Dmitri started losing interest by looking at different things around the room and playing around on the chair.
The teacher praised Dmitri and went over the story one more time. Then the teacher went over all the skipped words together. Dmitri was able to read the tricky words.
Exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
Dmitri finished the activity.
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