Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited Japan China and USA Analytical Index
Objective: Apply the “analytical index” technique that you learned earlier in the term to reading the bookPreschool in Three Cultures Revisited. This technique helps you interpret the material in a text in ways that maydiffer from the framing arguments and interpretations advanced by the text’s author. The process of creatingthis index will help you read the book insightfully and develop your own interpretations of the data it presents.
Step 1: Read the book, pp. 1-81 and 95-221. See course schedule for a selection of pages to focus on.
Step 2: Devote some time to searching for definitions of and reading about the following four terms:egalitarianism, hierarchy, individualism, and sociocentrism (or sociocentricity). Make sure to compare multiplesources. We will also be discussing these terms and their meanings in class.
Step 3: Go through the text of the Preschool book and make a list of specific details and passages that illustratemanifestations of
1. egalitarianism or hierarchy
2. individualism or sociocentricityin the way children and parents are treated, the way classes are taught, the way schools are managed, and theway curricula are developed, standardized, and communicated to teachers; and also in the ideas, ideals, andvalues of parents, teachers, and school administrators.As you list these, pay special attention to
3. contradictions between conflicting principles, or between the ideology and the reality.For each topic above, go through the text collecting evidence: interesting or revealing details. List the pagenumbers on which relevant material appears (this is the “index” part), along with (a) a reminder of what thepassage says, and (b) your own note on what it means, reveals, implies, etc.that is, on why it strikes you asinteresting or significant.This index will become your primary resource for composing your 3rd paper (see below), so make it as rich andthorough as possible, with as many entries and as much detail as you can manage. As you go along making theindex, you should see patterns emerging: be sure to take note of these and reflect them in your index byintroducing subtopics or subthemes (i.e., subdividing and refining the big categories that you start out with).Do not simply list the instances that come first in the text. Instead, select the ones that strike you as mostinteresting and revealing. It is normal to revise the scope of the categories that you are indexing as you go alongand gain increased understanding. It is also fine if the resulting index is handwritten and messy.
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