Prior to watch the movie Contagion. The full version of this movie is available for rent through Google Play, Netflix, YouTube, iTunes, and for $3.99 or less. This movie is about a contagious disease outbreak. Then, respond to your classmates post below depending upon there group:
· Responses to Group B: Review the policies that they pointed out from the movie and their additional policy. Provide a look at how these policies helped or did not help, and make at least one suggestion for an improvement
Infectious and Chronic Diseases
· Group B: 100 WORDS
o Examine at least two policies that were enacted by the CDC that attempted to help the situation and their effectiveness.
o Explain one additional policy that you would have enacted if you had been in charge of mitigating this epidemic. How would it differ from a policy to mitigate a chronic disease?
The two policies that were enacted by the CDC that attempted to help the situation was isolation and quarantine. Isolation and quarantine as described by the CDC , ” help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick”(CDC,2014). The two policies were enacted in hope to control the outbreak as much as possible till the CDC and affiliates would be able to research the situation and begin to form a plan to sustain and fight the outbreak. The effectiveness of isolation and quarantine in the film initially had little to no effect but I feel that was because there was not enough information about the cause of the outbreak. Once proper public information was made and policies of social distancing , isolation and quarantine helped slow down the spread then it would if citizens would interact with each other.
The one additional policy that I would have enacted if I have been in charge of mitigating the epidemic would create a mandated registration. Similar to how within the film citizens received a wristband when they received the vaccine, I would require citizens to be seen by medical physicians able to diagnosis the disease and confirm there whereabouts, whom they had contact with and where they have been. My reason for the mandated intake is to create the forward action of those closer to the outbreak to bring themselves forward to help identify possible outbreak outlets. It would differ from a policy that mitigates a chronic disease in the fact that a pandemic can spread so fast effect so many so quickly with fatal consequences. The one comparison I see is that the healthcare community can develop health policy briefs that can serve as identification of health concerns of many just as we now see with the scare of vaping. As described, “Translating health communication for a policy focused audience ensures that our voice is heard and we remain engaged in shaping our future” ,(Wong, Green, Bazemore, Miller, 2017). A health policy brief is important to the communication of issues in healthcare.
Wong, S. L., Green, L. A., Bazemore, A. W., & Miller, B. F. (2017). How to write a health policy brief. Families, Systems & Health: The Journal Of Collaborative Family Healthcare, 35(1), 2124.
CDC,(2014).Quarantine/aboutlawsregulationsquarantineisolation.Retrieved from
Responses to Group C: Examine your classmates responses to the questions below and explain your agreement or disagreement as to whether something like this could happen outside of Hollywood films.:
o Examine how public health organizations (World Health Organization, CDC) and medical services (hospitals or doctors) worked together to find out the root cause and mitigate disease epidemics.
In your view and research, could an epidemic of this nature be prevented, if so how? If not, why do you believe this to be unpreventable?
Group C: 100 WORDS
Examine how public health organizations (World Health Organization, CDC) and medical services (hospitals or doctors) worked together to find out the root cause and mitigate disease epidemics:
As the concern of infectious disease and viruses keep the medical professionals working hard at finding a prevention, the health care organizations do make it a high priority in protecting the population (Bell, N. M. and Friis, R. H.,2019).Epidemiologic investigations are done when the health care facilities are investigating where certain diseases and viruses are coming from. These out breaks are serious and can cause death so the right actions are taken for safety. Also creating vaccines for the population to take so they can control the outbreak of illnesses and keep bacteria or viruses from spreading. When a certain group of people are sick with a disease, usually hospitals, doctors and health professionals will keep them quarantined so they prevent contamination from happening. Another way health care originations create awareness and protection from disease would be food and water supply safety. Creating strict policies and programs to make sure the food that the the population is buying is safe to eat as well as making sure the water is safe to drink and will not spread any bacterial epidemic. As of creating safe barriers in prevention of spreading any type of illness, the health care professionals would keep investigating these cases to really see who, what and why they are developing. It would be to look at the “host”, the “agent” and the “environment” to see what needs to be monitored or regulated for public health and safety.
In your view and research, could an epidemic of this nature be prevented, if so how? If not, why do you believe this to be unpreventable?
In a situation such as the water contamination in Flint, Michigan, this could have been absolutely prevented. Their water was knowingly contaminated with lead and many people within the population complained of symptoms effecting their family and children and Michigan turned their head until there was enough outrage for a change. As there was an obvious poor government water system, the government denied any concern and let children suffer from lead poisoning. In this case, I do think that government and health care organizations do need to take the extra time to prevent these devastating events from happening. Not just Flint in general but many countries need improved water systems to maintain a healthy water consumption so we are not drinking contaminated water. I do think immunizations, investigations towards disease controlling illness is important, but I also taking consideration within our own communities and cities which can help will any prevention towards disease.
Bell, N. M. and Friis, R. H. (2019). Community and public health (2nd ed.). Retrieved from
· This text is a Constellation¢ course digital materials (CDM) title.
Truth From The Tap, (2016). TFTT Calls Out Activist Groups Shameful Use Of Flint To Advance Agenda. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)
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