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If you were an I/O psychologist for a large organization, how would you deal with an employee planning to transition to the opposite sex in the next few months?

If you were an I/O psychologist for a large organization, how would you deal with an employee planning to transition to the opposite sex in the next few months?

Selecting organizational team members is commonly perceived to be the most critical factor in building an organization. The process begins with identifying the characteristics of the people needed in the organization and applying a selection process. It does not, however, end with hiring. Building the staff of an effective organizational team requires ongoing employee training, development, and coaching. This is even more important in today’s organizations due to greater diversity. Cultural diversity has increased domestically and the number of organizations operating globally has increased. There is also greater generational diversity as many older workers remain in the workforce past traditional retirement age. LGBTQ diversity has been acknowledged
by more organizations and I/O psychologists are expected to devise ways
for diverse employees to work together effectively.Building strong, diverse teams requires consideration for the needs
for ethical decision-making, organizational culture and climate, and
worker-job fit issues. These factors have a major effect on an
organization’s performance. From the initial recruitment of employees
through ongoing training, industrial/organizational psychology forms a
crucial foundation for organizational effectiveness.For this discussion, select one of the following options for your initial post: option A, diversity issues, or B, generational diversity:A. Gender DiversityCaitlyn
Jenner and others have brought gender identity and transgender rights
to the fore in the national media in recent years. In 2016 the state of
North Carolina passed a controversial restroom law that received
national attention, resulting in boycotts and an eventual “compromise
bill” in early 2017 after the repeal of the law. Review the Ruggs et al.
and APA articles, found in the Week 5: Gender and Generational Diversity Issues
Links to an external site. reading list. Then address the following:
If you were an I/O psychologist for a large organization, how would you deal with an employee planning to transition to the opposite sex in the next few months?
B. Generational DiversityOlder Americans are healthier, living longer, and postponing retirement, increases the generational diversity in the workplace. The United States
is also becoming more culturally diverse.What are the implications of these diversity trends for leading and motivating workers in organizations?How are these workers motivated differently?What might a training strategy for a leader in motivating a diverse workforce look like?

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