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HIST1302 Imperialism Annexation of Philippines American Masculinity Questions

HIST1302 Imperialism Annexation of Philippines American Masculinity Questions

HIST1302 Imperialism Annexation of Philippines American Masculinity Questions

These papers will be your attempts at answering a question specific to the sources that we will read. The purpose of these assignments is not to have you regurgitate the information back to me, as many of us are accustomed to doing, but to analyze the information, synthesize your analysis and develop an argument in answer to the question. In other words, I am not looking for a review of the material. Instead, I expect that you will take the facts gleaned from your reading and thoughtfully present your assessment of the events we will study. You will be doing the work of historians, and the conclusions you reach will differ from one student to another.
Papers must be typed, dbl spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman with 1 in. margins and a cover sheet.
Must be between 2.5-3 pages in length (and 800-1000 words).
Papers must also be submitted to SafeAssignment by the established deadline. You will not be ableto submit your papers after the deadline. The due dates will be given when the assignment is made.
Thesis: The thesis (1 or 2 sentences) should be underlined and clearly state the perspective/direction of your argument. It does not have to be the first sentence(s) of your paper, but it does need to be in the first paragraph. It is not a question!
Argument: Use your analysis of the facts to support your point of view. The goal here is not to getthe “right” answer, but to have a well supported argument.
Quotes: Use them to add validity to your argument. You don’t have to cite the sources like you would a research paper (MLA end/footnotes, etc.). Instead, you should introduce a quotation by giving the historical context of the quote. Example: George Washington, in his first inauguraladdress, claimed “”¦”; President Lincoln’s view, as presented in his Gettysburg Address, stated””¦”. Quotes must not exceed 2 typed lines.
Conclusion: This includes a summary of your argument and it is the place for any personal”opinions/editorials” about the subject.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Be Succinct! – 2.5 pages is not a lot of room so get to the point quickly and stay there!
Be Relevant! – Don’t spend time on information that doesn’t directly relate to your argument.
Pick a Side! – While evidence may point to various conclusions, you should choose one and developit. This is an exercise designed to assess your writing/communications skills, it is not a forum toexpress your personal beliefs.
Analyze, Don’t Review! – Give meaning to the evidence. Convey your own ideas about the events asopposed to merely retelling the story.
Answer the Question! – Make sure that your paper/thesis speaks directly to the question that is beingasked.
Proofread your work!
No I, Me or My Statements! – These statements weaken your argument. Don’t use them! Example; “Ifeel”¦”, “In my view”¦”, “I think” or “It seems to me”¦”
A student who earns a grade of “¦
AConsistently does all or most of the following: Meets all requirements. Essay contains a clear and well
developed thesis statement or a central idea. Uses and cites sources as prescribed. Justifies own point of view with evidence and explains rationale. Fair-mindedly follows where evidence and reason lead. Draws warranted and judicious, non-fallacious conclusions. Well organized with attention to the development of an introduction, a conclusion, and the use of transitions. Uses polished grammar and syntax.
B Frequently does most or many of the following: Meets all requirements. Contains a thesis statement orcentral idea, but it is not fully developed. Uses and cites sources as prescribed. Justifies, using evidence, tosome degree ones’ own point of view and explains reasoning. Fair-mindedly follows where evidence and reasons lead. Draws warranted and judicious, non-fallacious conclusions. Adequately organized and developed with attention to the development of an introduction, a conclusion, and the use of some transitions. Uses polished grammar and syntax.
C Occasionally does the following: Meets all requirements. Essay contains an inadequate or weak thesis orcentral idea with little or no development. Uses and cites sources as prescribed. Sometimes justify ones’ ownpoint of view apart from self-interest. Has some difficulty with the analysis of evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc. Draws obvious conclusions but misses more subtle ones. Inadequate organization or development of an introduction and a conclusion and may not include many, if any, transitions. Grammar and syntax is acceptable, does not affect readability, and addresses the point.
DFrequently does many or most of the following: Fails to meet all requirements. Essay lacks a thesis or it is
difficult to recognize with a failure to develop a thesis or central idea. Fails to use and cite sources as prescribed. Rarely justifies ones’ own po

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