DUE: Saturday Sept 4th@9:30PMPRICE: $12.00 if delivered on time and follow requirements.
Attached is Chapter 2
After reading Chapter 2 of the textbook, please create a timeline chart of PR history that in your opinion would best help you identify the key professionals and their ideas that shape public relations. You can select any visual presentation that you think would help you: several templates are attached but you don’t need to use any of them if you don’t want to. For some people, bullet points are clear enough. Or please feel free to use any other template you prefer.*I would like my timeline in bullet points*
Requirement: please make sure that you includeallof the items (PR professionals, events, school of thoughts, institutions) from the following list in your timeline, and articulate the known facts associated with each of them (e.g., core beliefs of known figures, establishment of agencies and objectives of the institution) . Please use your textbook as your reference to complete this assignment.
Here is the list of items you need to include in your timeline. Please make sure you place these items in a chronological order when creating your timeline.
Recent development of public relations counseling business in 1990s and 21st century (e.g., Burson-Marsteller, Omnicom Group)
Creel Committee
Phineas T. Barnum
Ivy Lee
Samuel Adams
Robber Barons
Amos Kendall
Sophists and other ancient beginnings
Thomas Paine
Office of War Information
Authur Page and corporate public relations
Edward L. Bernays and the rise of public relations counseling business
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