Answers are based on chapter 8 from the reading materials
1. Review the five common ways empathy is usually offered to children and determine which one(s) you tend to offer to children yourself. Provide an example of when you offered this type of empathy with details. Then, using the guidance from the rest of Chapter 8, discuss how you would change how you offered empathy if you could go back and handle this situation differently.
2. on a different page, submit your Reading Log with a two paragraph summary and two paragraph reflection on the reading assignment for this week. Clearly label your Summary and Reflection with headings. In your Summary each week, provide a review of the key points in the reading this week. In the Reflection, provide your own analysis of the material and any insight and conclusions you developed from your in-depth examination of this week’s readings.
References for chapter 8 is (Bailey, R. A. (2015). Conscious discipline: building resilient classrooms. Oviedo, FL: Loving Guidance.)
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