For the fourth section, students will integrate critical analysis of social works role in the social problem and write recommendations for further action. ¢ Existing Responses to Problem o Describe existing research and theories that have attempted to respond to the problem at the micro, mezzo, & macro levels o Describe ways in which policies, programs, or community organizing efforts demonstrate evidence of dominant bias or marginalize affected populations o Analyze the implications for vulnerable or marginalized populations (e.g., costs, access, etc.) o Cite at least 2 sources that address responses to the population and/or implications for vulnerable populations ¢ Gap Analysis at Micro, Mezzo, & Macro Levels o Identify the ideal solution at each level 13 | P a g e S O W K 4 2 9 9 S p r i n g / S u m m e r Q u a r t e r 2 0 1 9 o Identify the actual situation at each level o Analyze the gap between the ideal and actual situation at each level o Cite at least 3 sources that supports the gap analysis ¢ Social Workers Role o Analyze the importance for social workers role in addressing the problem based on previous analysis of problem and impacted stakeholders o Determine the feasibility for social workers to address the problem o Analyzed social work ethical concerns should the problem not be addressed o Critique the role of social work values and ethics in assessing necessary changes in practice o Describe any ways in which social work is resistant to closing the gap specified above o Reference key NASW social work values (with an emphasis on social justice) as pertinent to the social problem o Cite literature that specifically critiqued or discussed the role of social work in the context (or use the NASW Cultural Competence Standards and the Grand Challenges information) ¢ Advocacy Steps o Summarize the issues/gaps o Recommend advocacy steps for social workers in addressing the problem at the micro-, mezzo-, and macro levels o Describe the rationale for recommending the proposed steps o Justify recommendations based on a literature search o Cite at least 3 sources that have addressed best practices or recommended advocacy/action steps This section will be 3-4 pages, double spaced, with APA formatted citations and references included. Please review the Assignment #4 Application to Social Work and Recommendations rubric in the Appendix of the syllabus for further details on the grading criteria.
Assignment #4 – Application to Social Work and Recommendations (100 points)
Existing Responses to Problem
(16 points)
The student has clearly addressed all of the following requirements related to the gap between the ideal and actual situation (4 points each):
· Described existing research and theories that have attempted to respond to the problem
· Described ways in which policies, programs, or community organizing efforts demonstrate evidence of dominant bias or marginalize affected populations
· Analyzed the implications for vulnerable or marginalized populations (e.g., costs, access, etc.)
· Cited at least 2 sources that address responses to the population and/or implications for vulnerable populations
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 4 points for each criterion that is not addressed)
Gap Analysis
(16 points)
The student has clearly addressed all of the following requirements related to the gap between the ideal and actual situation (4 points each):
· Identified the ideal solution
· Identified the actual situation
· Analyzed the gap between the ideal and actual situation
· Cited at least 3 sources that supported the gap analysis including micro, mezzo, and macro levels
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 4 points for each criterion that is not addressed)
Social Workers Role
(28 points)
The student has clearly addressed all of the following requirements related to the definition of the problem (4 points each):
· Analyzed the importance for social workers role in addressing the problem based on previous analysis of problem and impacted stakeholders
· Determined the feasibility for social workers to address the problem
· Analyzed social work ethical concerns should the problem not be addressed
· Critiqued the role of social work values and ethics in assessing necessary changes in practice
· Described any ways in which social work is resistant to closing the gap specified above
· Referenced the NASW social work values (with an emphasis on social justice)
· Cited literature that specifically critiqued or discussed the role of social work in the context (e.g., the NASW Cultural Competence Standards and the Grand Challenges information)
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 4 points for each criterion that is not addressed)
Advocacy Steps
(16 points)
The student has clearly addressed all of the following requirements in the Advocacy Steps section (4 points):
· Recommended advocacy steps for social workers in addressing the problem at the micro-, mezzo-, and macro levels
· Described the rationale for recommending the proposed steps
· Justified recommendations based on a literature search
· Cited at least 3 sources that have addressed best practices or recommended advocacy/action steps
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 4 points for each criterion that is not addressed)
Quality in Organization & Selection of Sources
(12 points)
The student has clearly addressed all of the following requirements related to organization and professionalism in writing (3 points each):
· Organization of argument was logical
· Selected sources for paper were relevant
· The reliability of sources was critiqued (e.g., discusses exceptions, addressed issues related to cultural difference, identified potential bias in research methods, etc.)
· The justification of the topic selection was compelling and connects data with real-world situations
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 3 points for each criterion that is not addressed)
Technical Requirements
(12 points)
The student has addressed all of the following technical requirements (3 points each):
· Length of paper was approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced
· Assignment was submitted by the deadline or instructor negotiated deadline
· Document used grammar and mechanics of style that are consistent with APA formatting (see Chapters 3 and 4 of the APA manual)
· References were current (i.e., published after 2000)
The student has partially addressed the criteria listed in the Satisfactory column (Deduct 3points for each criterion that is not addressed)
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