This week, you’re demonstrating your change management skills as a management consultant hired by the corporation you chose in Week 5 to develop strategies and supporting tactics to implement positive organizational changes in the company. You will create a change management plan presentation for the company’s Board of Directors. See week 5 attached.
Start by reviewing your analysis of the company’s change process from Week 5 to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the change and the need for the change.
Assessment Deliverable
Create a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Plan Presentation. Include the following:
Evaluate why this change needed to occur.
Evaluate how this change impacts the company on a global scale.
Evaluate how this change impacts employees.
Using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. Include the following in your chart:
Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotter’s model.
Develop tactics to support each strategy.
Support each strategy you develop with a rationale for why the strategy and its tactics is expected to be effective.
Explain how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive advantage in the global market.
Include speaker notes to include additional details that are not present on each slide.
LDR/535 v4
Organizational Change Chart
Organizational Information
Select an organization that needed a change to its culture as you complete the organizational change information chart.
For each type of information listed in the first column, include details about the organization in the second column.
Indicate your suggested actions for improvement in the third column.
Suggested Actions for Improvement
Inspire the world, create the future.”
This means there has to be a
reinforcement of the vision at every level
and across organizational processes so as
to draw people’s attention and enthusiasm
to it as much as possible.
“We will devote our human resources and
technology to create superior products and
services, thereby contributing to a better
global society.”
Further, the mission should be repeated
during training and included in the
employee performance measures to
ensure everyone stays on the same page.
To deliver innovative technologies and
solutions that enrich people’s lives and
contribute to social prosperity.
For this reason, it is advisable to review the
purpose from time to time to ensure it
reflects the contemporary and over,
embracing global and societal
People, Excellence, Change, Integrity, Coprosperity.
Reinforce integrity and co-prosperity
memes by incorporating them into
corporate structures, policies, and
remunerative incentive systems.
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Organizational Change Chart
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Diversity and Equity
Suggested Actions for Improvement
Samsung has a diverse workforce and
initiatives to promote gender equality and
support for underrepresented groups.
More diverse and inclusive
communications from organizations and
institutions and constantly updating the
community, or public, on the kind of
progress they have registered in a certain
period. His recommendations are as
follows: “Develop more programs to
address core issues of diversity.”
Efforts include employee resource groups
and inclusive leadership training.
Strive to promote better representation of
diverse people in the strategic decisionmaking processes as a way of encouraging
a more positive change.
To become a more agile, innovative, and
inclusive organization that can rapidly
adapt to market changes.
This involves setting concrete targets that
help supplement agility, innovation, and
inclusion and then reviewing them
periodically, as stated by Shin & Cho
Implemented cross-functional teams,
invested in R&D, and enhanced talent
development programs.
Further to the above strategies, the use of
agile methodologies and the conduct of
regular customer feedback for continuous
Utilizes internal communications
platforms, regular town hall meetings, and
newsletters to update on changes and
Promote the universality of social media
and other digitally interactive platforms to
foster timely engagement with employees.
Organizational Perceptions
Considering the same organizational culture and change goal, rate your agreement from 1 to 5 in the second column with the statement in the first
column. Use the following scale:
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Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Rating (1 – 5)
Employees know the organization’s vision.
Employees know the organization’s mission.
Employees know the organization’s purpose.
Employees know the organization’s values.
Overall, the organization is diverse and equitable.
Diverse groups are included in decision making and processes for change.
The change goal was successfully met.
The implementation strategies were effective.
The organization’s communication about the change was effective.
Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change
Consider the goal for organizational change that you identified and the existing organizational culture.
For each of Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change listed in the first column, rate whether you observed that step during the implementation process in the
second column. Use the following scale to rate your observation:
Never observed
Rarely observed
Sometimes observed
Often observed
Identify actions you suggest for improvement in the third column.
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Rating (1 – 4)
Step Name
Suggested Actions for Improvement
Step 1: Create Urgency.
Promote the frequency of market and competitive risks to add to the
timeliness element of the program.
Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.
It is also important to incorporate more leaders into the movement in
order to gain various perspectives on how it could be enhanced.
Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.
It is necessary to remember that the vision for change should be
articulated and appealing to all employees.
Step 4: Communicate the Vision.
Therefore, following the Shaping Strategy of Haizar et al. (2020), it is
necessary to use multiple communication channels and often
introduce changes to keep the vision constantly in focus for all the
company’s employees.
Step 5: Remove Obstacles.
List any organizational issues that may hinder the successful
implementation of the program and suggest how these can be
managed and the resources that will be necessary for managing
Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.
Subsequently, implement short-term goals and regular goal targets
to sustain motivation and productivity, as mentioned by Haizar et al.
(2020) and Leer et al. (2020).
Step 7: Build on the Change.
Continually assess the strategies and analyze initial successes in
order to realize sustained change and adaptation to future
Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.
Sustain the new culture by continuing the training programs, having
leaders support the change, and linking reward systems with target
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Haizar, N. F. B. M., Kee, D. M. H., Chong, L. M., & Chong, J. H. (2020). The impact of innovation strategy on organizational
success: A study of Samsung. Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME), 3(2), 93-104.
Shin, B. Y., & Cho, K. T. (2020). The evolutionary model of corporate entrepreneurship: a case study of Samsung CreativeLab. Sustainability, 12(21), 9042.
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