Classroom Observation Journal
Please fill out this form as you complete your video observations. Copy this form as needed. Please return the completed information to your instructor. You must have a total of 16 hour of observations (between in person and video) in order to receive a passing grade for this course. Submit this in the dropbox with your Field Experience Log
Date Observed
URL or Video Clip
Video Clip Title/Subject
Length of Video
Meet Mr. Hester
7:34 minutes
Day 1 (Mr. Hester)
38:35 minutes
Classroom Tour (Mr. Hester)
9 minutes
Day 2 (Mr. Hester)
58:30 minutes
Day 3 (Mr. Hester)
1 hour and 33 minutes
TPSD Kindergarten
44:35 minutes
Elementary Math
11:55 minutes
HS 9th Biology
13:01 minutes
Whole Brain Teaching
23:37 minutes
Kindergarten Classroom Management
46:02 minutes
Classroom Clips of 40 videos (right upper column shows list of videos)
1 hour and 37 minutes from 40 videos
Middle School Assessment
13:37 minutes
Annenburg Learner (13 videos about 26-28 minutes each)
2 hours
Middle School
41:44 minutes
Whole Brain Teaching
19:51 minutes
Teaching Reading K-2 A Library of Classroom Practices
26:47 minutes
Inquiry Based Learning
4:16 minutes
Problem Based Learning
14 minutes
Annenburg Learner (Feelings count)
28:22 minutes
Annenburg Learner (Classroom Mosaic)
28:22 minutes
Literacy Lesson First Grade
20:34 minutes
Hands-on Applications of Modeling Geometry
23:53 minutes
Elementary Math
11 minutes
High School Assessment and Inquiry
15 minutes
4th Grade Reading
50 minutes
2nd Grade Vocabulary Lesson
28:37 minutes
Whole Brain Teaching Study Video
20 minutes
Mrs. Kelleys Special Education
10 minutes
Autism Program at Fruitville Elementary School
13:30 minutes
Collaborative Teaching
28 minutes
Differentiated Instruction
5:15 minutes
Blended Learning
7:50 minutes
Video clip: Litigation of Disciplinary Action of Educators
1 hours 15 minutes
17 hours, 28 minutes (appx)
Please sign and date all forms before you turn them in.
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Lone Star College: Field Experience Video Summary Sheet
Directions: As you watch each video, take a moment to reflect on the videos you watch. Each week you will be asked to respond to specific information learned from your videos. Please respond accordingly.
Note: Each summary blank has a number that should correspond with the video in the log sheet. You can copy this sheet as needed and submit this with your video documentation sheet.
I liked how he approached on how to bond with students, for example before entering the classroom, they have their greetings and make sure the students have good mood before entering the classroom. Also, he made sure they are on the same page and work together.
The teacher assigned the students to seats, which I liked because it helps make the classroom less distracted if they were not sitting next to their best friends. He walked around the classroom to make the students were doing their work in silent and making sure they understand the assignment. I did not think of that way since I am easy going with students but would make sure they pay attention in my class. Its funny when the teacher asks them to rip apart two pages at the same time. Hes very clear on his expectations of their work.
Mr. Hester shows his classroom, how its set up and the boards with assignments, rules, schedules. I liked that he included PUMA nominations for students to put down nominations. He has clipboard of behavior tracker, and hall pass. He also posts students work on the wall. I like his poster of students who got 80% or better on the quiz.
I like how he put down the assignments for the day and expectations for the week. He asks the classroom to write down the tasks on the binder. He uses clap and stomp feet on floor to get their attention but at the same time makes it fun to mess with Biology class next door.
For me since I am deaf and, in my class, will use sign hand lots since I am teaching ASL so what I will do is sign DEER where will sign 5 both hands on head where I will get their attention. He introduces himself with some history and shared his high expectations on the students. He goes over policy and rules in the classroom.
Mr. Hector explained about how important it is to read books, which helps for their future in college. He shows some students that attended same high school but attend different college. He suggested one book per week, 60 pages per night. Its important for the students to balance school work with personal life. He gave tickets to students who worked together as partners. I like the idea of giving out tickets to help students become motivated. I thought it was nice of Mr. Hester to provide a book for the student if they meet the amount of tickets.
There are many activities for kindergarten class, the teacher keeps moving them from one area to other area several times, I think it helps to keep students stay focused and less restless. The teacher teaches phonics of the day, which she encourages students to provide answers. (this video dont have closed captions)
Mr. Billings walks around the students table and make sure they are able to follow the assignment. One I liked is when he got down to eye-level (kneed down on the floor) to help teach a student that was struggling. Some students went over to other students to help with the assignment.
Biology is not my strong subject, but I like how the teacher uses body and arm movements on what they learned (finger wiggling and arm waving). Students are very involved in the classroom, they give presentations to educate the other students the difference of worms. The teacher makes sure the students are very involved in the lesson. They get to play with playdough to make worms and how things work on the worms.
Ms. Mahan works on her five step lesson through her energy, the students are involved in the activity by physical movements using arms and students responds back to Ms. Mahan. She checks the students engagements with other students. Students uses Magic Mirror to copy what Ms. Mahan shows them. She uses mini-lessons brief to keep the students stay engaged. I think thats a good approach for young students who could not stay in the same place for a long time.
This video is on the first day of school, Ms. Silver seems strict but I understand why she is doing that, she makes sure that the students understand her rules and expectations. She sets up routines, speaks calm and clear to the students. She is also constantly repeating classroom expectations.
There are 40 videos with approximately over 2 minutes each. Very good example of a community-centered classroom and formative assessment. I think it is a fun way to teach students Trig in real life without simply giving them a word problem on a worksheet! American Sign Language class, in Deaf culture, hearing people should not teach ASL since its not their first language, but I like her approach on using objects to relate to the signs.
I like how the teacher encourages the students to talk with each other on how to solve the problem. Its funny how the students wiggling their fingers and clap/shoot to each other for fun. The teacher switches the from notebook to textbook within 20 minutes of the lesson. The teacher guides the students and asks them what to do next or whats the answer for it.
There are 13 half-hour videos. I noticed that it is best for student to learn is by touch and experience how it works using math and biology. For example, test on sledding who will go first, also, they measured same thing on car to test how fast it will go downhill. It is fun to see all the students solve and work together then give the teacher answers.
Mr. Bedley has the students review each others work and give reasons why they give out scores like that. He asks them if the students agree or disagree of the results, then asks them why. He interacts with the students regarding to homework and decides to take off 3 questions from the homework. He discusses the extra credits by everybodys participations and encourages the student to participate then he will remove question from the homework.
Mr. Deshotel uses four steps: attention getter, mirror words/hands and eyes/scoreboard, direct instruction, and collaborative learning. He makes it fun in the class for students to pay attention and they responds back whenever teacher asks of them. There are a lot of gestures to help them remember the lessons and it could help them for the quiz/tests. Mr. Deshotel walks around the classroom to make sure they are on track and praising them that they stayed on track. When one student asked for help, others run out to him to help him with the task. The teacher gives out positive comments even if the students got it incorrect.
I chose the video Becoming Readers and Writers, Ms. Owen made sure the students read and speak carefully. There is bilingual (Spanish and English) sections to help with the students (ELLs) to connect between those two languages. I can see the energy from the students that they like learning with Ms. Owen.
This is great way for students to be involved by doing the inquiry-based learning. It helps encourage the students to develop questions they might have. Teachers encourage the students to ask questions to help them learn. That brings out a lot of discussions from the students.
Group of educators got together to solve problem with their enrollment, they decided to establish Problem-Based Learning program. It encourages students to work together to solve the problem. That way, the students will learn the lesson by working together. The students work through the program together on their on way with teachers guide.
I chose a video called Feelings Count: Emotions and Learning This encourages students to share their feelings from inside and outside of the class. The teacher made sure the environment is safe for the students to feel comfortable sharing. They discuss the conflicts that have happened like for example one student grabbed others paperwork, then asked about it. The students shared their point of view and discuss how to solve problems.
I chose a video called The Classroom Mosaic: Culture and Learning. This discusses about how to be culturally responsive in the classroom. This is important how we can connect and build bridges between cultures, be open to talk about our background. All cultures are different due to religious, language, customs, traditions and many more. This will help students to become more culturally responsive when they go out in the real world.
I enjoyed this video; the teacher is very interactive with the students. Mr. A asks the students question of the day, reading stories together, doing activities, etc. They use a lot of gestures such as plant crops, sewing, stir a bowl, make cake. This is unique to me because I will be teaching American Sign Language where we will be using a lot of gestures. I can relate to this video.
This video is very interesting that Dr. Swanagan involves real life problems in math and how to solve it. He uses activities outside the classroom to show how math works with sun with heat and show them how hot it can get by placing the broom over the paraboloid. The lesson was about linear and quadratic equations.
Ms. Foster asked a lot of questions related to coins, the students received a white board, marker, and bag of coins to figure out who has the most, how many coins, what does it come to, etc. This is elementary math, Ms. Foster uses several approaches to introduce how to count coins and asks them how to count the coins. She makes sure the students are included in the process such as counting the coins, passing out the white boards, and do activities on the white board.
Right away, the students are instructed by the teacher on what to get and how long they have to get it done. The teacher asks the students to start set up their thesis, provided them guides and do assessment. I can see the teacher is being very patience since students have different ways of assessment but the teacher is there to help guide them through their assignment.
The teacher opens up with a mini lesson on reading and talks about the character logs. She asks the students about what they remember about character traits in the past, she encourage students to discuss about their experiences learning about traits. She questions the students about fiction and nonfiction characters, primary and secondary sources, portraits, vocabulary, settings, events, etc.
I noticed that the teacher does a lot of activities related to vocabulary. I agree with that method since small students tend to get distracted easily if doing one way for a long time. They will become restless, so this teacher was creative with the students. There is an activities where students run to an area of words to pick one by one to place on the floor to help them place it properly together. (this video doesnt have closed caption)
Ms. Hays starts up a lesson and asks a student to start the lesson using gestures for noun review for upcoming pronoun lesson. The students do gestures to demonstrate capital letter, common, and period which helps them develop oral writing skills. A lot of activities for students to be involved in the lesson plan using gestures toward to Ms. Hayes and to their partners. There are a lot of repetitions which is good for young students to help them remember. Ms Hayes does not overwhelm them with the lesson and makes sure they understand the lesson.
Mrs. Kelley uses icons on the wall to point for the students to understand what to do in class. She encourages students to be involved in the learning process. There are a lot of interactive activities, especially with the smart board. The students really like Mrs. Kelley and each students were given the opportunity to express what they like about her. I like how she does specialized teaching for the students.
There are a lot of visual and stimulated activities for the students, so they have ways to communicate with others. I think using snacks to encourage students to be involved in learning process is a good motivation way, eventually some of the students can build up to one good reward to complete one assignment or homework.
This video is to show how two teachers (regular and SPED) work together to teach the students, they are using co-teaching strategy by one teaching and one assisting. Both teachers can go through groups and help the students, this helps not to overwhelm one teacher in the classroom. Students are worked together to put images on strip to show whats first, second, third, etc.
The video explains how to do differentiating instruction for all of the students. The teacher uses station rotation, so the teacher is able to teach in specific ways for each student to learn the content. The teacher can fit the lesson for three groups in a specific ways for them to learn. Teachers encourage students to use interactive lesson to learn on their own way.
Ms. Huot established groups on what they need to do during station rotation, she has expectations of what the students need to complete. This helps the teacher and students opportunities to go over the lesson and the other group do their assignments on the computer. Also, the students are seen working together, they help each other to learn in their language.
Talks about disciplinary cases against educators that did not follow the Code of Ethics. They determine if the educator should be suspended, permanent revocation and revocation. Also, they discussed about proposals for decisions on those educators who abused the Code of Ethics. Plus they discussed about the court cases.
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