CIVE 3633 — Transportation Engineering Fall 2021
Assignment Mini Class Project
(Autonomous and Connected Vehicles)
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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
CIVE 3633 — Transportation Engineering Fall 2020
Assignment Mini Class Project
(Autonomous and Connected Vehicles)
Due Friday December 4, 2020
This assignment defines the work for the mini class project, which accounts for 10% of the total grades of this class. Therefore, it is important to complete it on time and with good quality.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hosted a webinar series on the Impacts of automated vehicle in October 2020:
· AV Impacts Webinar 1: Tra?c Control Devices (October 9, 2020)
· AV Impacts Webinar 2: Physical Infrastructure and Operations (October 16, 2020)
· AV Impacts Webinar 3: Agency Readiness (October 23, 2020)
The PPTs and the recordings of the three webinars are uploaded to our class Canvas site. You are asked to watch Webinar 1 and Webinar 2 and answer the questions below. Webinar 3 is not needed.
Question 01 Introduction (10 pts)
(1) Define connected vehicles. You may need to use Google search engine to answer this question.
(2) According to the US DOTs National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, how many levels of vehicle automation are defined?
Question 02 Pavement Marking (30 pts)
Pavement markings and roadway signage have been acknowledged as important assets to support AV deployment.
(1) Since they were not designed for human drivers, what are the major challenges we are facing in the era of AV?
(2) What are the recommendations and available best practices of pavement marking for automatous and connected vehicles?
Question 03 Physical Infrastructure and Operations (60 pts)
With connected and automated operation, what are the impacts that could reshape the transportation system? Please include your observations on the impacts of (1) transportation operations and (2) highway physical infrastructure. Use additional pages if needed.
(1) Transportation operations
(2) Highway physical infrastructure
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