Pick ONE environmental law or regulation, explain its history, purpose, and goals in detail, and evaluate its successes and failures since enactment. Use subsequent court and legislative events, as...
Popular Questions - Biology
The topic for homework 3 is “Multiple-Use Land Management”. After reading this week’s assigned information on multiple lands uses on National Forest lands, be sure to demonstrate...
Research conflict management online and see if you can find a specific conflict management tool or process – then discuss how it can apply to multiple-use land conflicts. Be sure to be...
Read the article by Nolen (1996) regarding the pre-and post-Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) planning by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) found in your reading materials for this...
The topic for Homework 4 is “Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management”. After reading the assigned readings, be sure to demonstrate your understanding of sustainable land and ecosystem...
Choose a national park of interest to you. Present the park, some basic facts about its area, annual visitation, natural features, and why it was set aside as a National Park. Share whether it has a...
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