Greenwood and Levin (2007) closed their book on action research with a sobering discussion of the pitfalls of the participatory nature of action research. Stringer and Aragon (2021) discussed means...
Popular Questions - Biology
Overview For this assignment, you will develop a manual for a support group for an at-risk population of your choice that is struggling with a current issue in your community. Envision you are...
Thus far, you have identified a core issue or topic for potential study and provided a rationale for that issue. You have discussed the feasibility of conducting a study on the issue and how you...
In Week 2, you submitted the central focus for a possible action research study along with a rationale for that study. Remind us about your topic by describing the study in a sentence or two and...
You are the clinical supervisor for a group of social workers at a child welfare agency. You want to create a presentation to address the problem of child neglect prevalent in your location. Choose...
The final project for this course asks you to prepare a concept paper for an action research study. To do so, you will work with the topic that was approved at your residency and expand on that. You...
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