The final project for this course asks you to prepare a concept paper for an action research study. To do so, you will work with the topic that was approved at your residency and expand on that. You will support the need for the study with the literature on your topic.
You will describe the sample of participants and justify that choice. You will also discuss the feasibility of the study and explore any ethical concerns that might emerge. You will present your chosen research methods for the study and will justify their use with the support of the literature in that area. For example, if you are choosing to use appreciative inquiry, you will support that choice through citation of the literature that presents and discusses the use of that method. Finally, you will discuss the dissemination of results.
How will you give voice to your participants by sharing the results both with them and a larger audience? What is the intended outcome of the dissemination, and what action do you seek?
Based on the principles and practices of action research, prepare a concept paper that includes the following:
? A description of the topic and research question along with a brief justification of the importance for studying this topic and question.
? A 12-page literature review of the relevant literature surrounding the topic, in
narrative format.
? Research design: A description of the methods to be used in the study and the
participants you anticipate recruiting. Make sure to reference the literature on
the research methodology you have chosen.
? Conceptual model: Referencing Stringer and Aragon’s (2021) “look, think, act”
model, present the anticipated cycle of action research and what you hope to
accomplish along with the conceptual components that make up your topic.
This should be presented in graphic format.
? Feasibility and Ethics: A presentation and discussion of any ethical concerns
associated with the study and also any challenges to conducting the study. Is
the study feasible based on these concerns?
? Anticipated outcomes: What is the action you hope to achieve?
? Presentation of outcomes: How will you disseminate the results of your study?
Additional Requirements ? Your paper should be 7 pages in length.
? Include 8 properly cited, recent scholarly references, including methodological
? Follow current APA style and format.
? Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Stringer, E. T., & Aragon, A. O. (2021). Action research (5th ed.). Sage.
Additional Requirements
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