For this assignment, the focus is on issues of ethics, diversity, and globalization in relation to the content and technology industries. For each question, choose one online article from the November 7 module on Canvas. Make sure you provide enough detail and context to explain your answers. Please include a proper citation for each article.
1. Discuss one of the ETHICS articles. What is the controversy? What are the arguments on each side of the issue (for example, if the controversy is about content, what harm will occur if people see the content? What harm will occur if the content is censored?)? How would you handle the situation? (2-3 paragraphs).
2. Discuss one of the DIVERSITY articles. What is the issue? How is diversity being celebrated (or discouraged)? Do you think this issue is important? Why or why not? (2-3 paragraphs).
3. Discuss one of the GLOBALIZATION articles. What is the issue? Do you think every country should follow the same rules or should each country have autonomy to establish its own policies? Will one country’s policy have an impact on other countries? (2-3 paragraphs).
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