Case Study
The Glass Door Remains Closed: Another Look at Gender Inequality in Undergraduate Business Schools
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Davis, L. M., & Geyfman, V. (2015). The Glass Door Remains Closed: Another Look at Gender Inequality in Undergraduate Business Schools. Journal Of Education For Business, 90(2), 81-88. doi:10.1080/08832323.2014.980715
Outcomes Addressed: 1, 2, 5, 7
Discussion Points/Questions:
1. Explain the various factors that influence enrollment in various colleges and how these factors can impact overall enrollment into undergraduate business schools. (Critical Thinking)
1. Gender inequality goes beyond school enrollment. What other impacts does second generation gender bias have on business and leadership in companies? (Ethical Reasoning)
1. The study found that although overall college enrollment has increased, business schools have seen a decline in women enrollment. How can this current trend impact the future of business studies and the future of women in the workforce? (Leadership)
1. The researchers suggest that to improve the environment for female students, tuition should be kept low, class sizes small and provide female students with opportunities to interact with successful female mentors/role models. How is this similar/different from other research of second generation gender bias recommendations currently published? (Career Preparation)
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