A Systematic Literature Review of Thesis Title
Your Name
Department of Applied Behavior Analysis, Endicott College
ABA585 (or AUT585): Thesis
Professors Name
Do not indent but add abstract here- typically a sentence or two per section of the paper. No more than 250 words.
Keywords: add 3-5 keywords here about your study
Repeat Paper Title Here
Start your introduction section here- Should start with an introduction paragraph on the broad topic (i.e. autism and the deficit that is targeted in your study), then have a few paragraphs shaping the paper to your focus (each supported with research review), ending with a paragraph on the purpose of your paper. References do not need to be those that are included in the review but can be. Aim for 4 pages total for this section.
Inclusion Criteria
Taken from assignment in the course with revisions provided.
Search Procedure
Taken from assignment in the course with revisions provided.
List measures here in a sentence.
Measure 1- write name of measure
Describe what the measure is and what you will be taking data on- do not include the data in the methods. See example for further clarification- pulled from measures assignment with revisions made as needed.
Measure 2 write name of measure
Describe what the measure is and what you will be taking data on- do not include the data in the methods. See example for further clarification- pulled from measures assignment with revisions made as needed.
Measure 3 write name of measure
Describe what the measure is and what you will be taking data on- do not include the data in the methods. See example for further clarification- pulled from measures assignment with revisions made as needed.
Measure 4 write name of measure
Describe what the measure is and what you will be taking data on- do not include the data in the methods. See example for further clarification- pulled from measures assignment with revisions made as needed.
585 COURSE WORK- Skip to Reference section
Number of Articles
Discuss how many articles were found within the topic of the paper and inclusion criteria
Measure 1- write name of measure
State the data found for each aspect of this measure
Measure 2 write name of measure
State the data found for each aspect of this measure
Measure 3 write name of measure
State the data found for each aspect of this measure
Measure 4 write name of measure
State the data found for each aspect of this measure
Start your discussion here- start with summary of findings, a few paragraphs about clinical and research implications, limitations found within the studies, limitations of the review itself, future research topics/ideas, and a conclusion. About 4 pages.
References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analysis.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
*Hagopian, L. P., Farrell, D. A., & Amari, A. (1996). Treating total liquid refusal with backward chaining and fading. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29(4), 573575. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1996.29-573
THESE ARE EXAMPLES- REPLACE WITH YOUR REFERENCES- not marking those in the review with an * as noted at the top of the reference section
Figure 1
PRISMA diagram
Table 1
Summary of reason for articles excluded from further review
Table 2
Measures assessed across included studies
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