Watch the following video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University about neglect and answer the questions below one by one.
1- Why should everyone in a community have a vested interest in everyone else’s children?
2- What is neglect for children?
3- Give an example of ‘serve and return’ interaction.
4- What happens when a baby is not attended to?
5- What is a benefit of occasional inattention?
6- Which type of unresponsive care does allow children to catch up when given enriched learning opportunities and more opportunities of ‘serve and return’ interactions?
7- In what types of situations do you usually see severe neglect? Why?
8- What can be done to change a child’s developmental path or trajectory? Please provide an example.
Please try to engage in conversation with a classmate by following at least 3 of these guidelines (from Jennifer Steward-Mitchell’s 3CQ model):
Compliment your classmate and describe what you liked about their post. Be specific about what you liked.
I like that”¦
It is evident that you have put a great deal of thought/research into”¦
Comment on something relevant and meaningful that your classmate wrote. Be specific, and keep in mind that you don’t always have to agree. You can politely disagree.
I agree with because”¦.
Although you say that”¦ I think that”¦
You make a good point about”¦ but I also want to point out that”¦
Connect with something that your classmate wrote and explain that connection with details. It can be a connection to something external to the discussion, such as your own experience or your own point of view. Make sure that you give a complete explanation.
I also thought”¦
Your comment on”¦ reminds me of”¦
Ask a question that will prompt further discussion, i.e. keep the discussion going.
I wonder why”¦.
What if”¦
Do you think”¦
STUDENT 1 )Reply from Alyssa Holthaus
Hi everyone,
1. What I learned from the videos is that everyone has stress in their life but it is how each person deals with stress on a regular basis that affects how their bodies and minds react. I also learned different coping mechanisms that can help reduce stress in your daily life.
2. Some situations that cause me stress are when I have to go to new environments such as different job location for the day. Another situation is going to social gatherings where I do not know some of the people. Having a time limit is also a large stressor for me because I typically feel that people will get annoyed if I take too long to do something or doing assignments on time.
3. My coping mechanisms as far as the time limit, I try to plan things I have to do ahead such as preparing my lunch the night before or looking at our class assignments on my break at work so that I know what I have to do. I also try to do a breathing technique when I feel overwhelmed during the day or when I am at a social gatherings. I can’t always decide to go for a walk in the middle of my day. During the pandemic I dealt with stress by keeping in contact with people important to me. I also took a quick walk around my street so I was not bored because being bored also causing me stress. I am trying to add more exercise into my daily routine because I know that will not only help my body but my mind as well.
4. A situation I know causes stress to children is coming into a new environment such as a care center. I see this a lot at my job. Children show their stress by crying, isolate themselves, look confused or lost, holding onto a certain item. When I see a child is stressed I offer comfort and if they do not want it right away I give them their space and tell them when they are ready they can come over and sit with me and give a little hug if they want one.
5. One way I help children cop with their stress is I sit not right next to them but by them and I do my own activity and talk with them, I can explain I get stressed too about what they are stressed about such as going into a new place.
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