In this course, you will complete a literature review and mini research project based on your interests. You will then build on your work and apply it to relevant assignments in CRJU 4800 Senior Capstone. The assignments in this course are scaffolded, which means that they build upon each other.
The goal here is to identify topics you will then narrow to your specific topic in the next assignment.
For your first assignment, begin researching how the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution affect issues associated with crime, justice, and criminology.
Provide a thorough definition for the 4th Amendment…providing relevant examples.
Provide your interpretation of the 4th Amendment and why it is important to your understanding of issues associated with crime and justice.
Address how you will instigate change in and/or correct those issues you’ve identified. Make sure you focus on policy.
Identify and list 3 potential research topics pertaining to 4th Amendment violations.
Search reliable resources and locate 3 to 5 statistics about each of your 3 topics.
Find 2 direct quotes from sources about each of your 3 potential research topics.
Submission and Grading Criteria
Your submission should include all items, answered questions, and write-ups above
1″ Margins on all 4 sides. Arial font, 12 pt font
Indent new paragraphs. Double-spaced
Use proper APA citation.
MS Word document (.doc or .docx)
Fully addresses all questions
Free of grammatical and spelling errors
Follow traditional academic paper requirements
Worth 5% of your grade. Refer to the Assignment Grading Rubric in Course Resources.
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