Lab Goal :
Java – Binary Tree. Will leave an upvote.
This lab was designed to teach you more about Binary Trees. Lab Description : Write a binary search tree class. For the base lab, you must write the following methods :: preOrder, postOrder, inOrder, revOrder, getNumLeaves, getNumLevels, getWidth, getHeight, getNum Nodes, toString, is Full. The following method groups are extra credit. Each group will net you an extra ten points on your base 100 point lab grade. You can complete any or all of the options in any order you prefer. Complete as many of these options as you can. Group 1 :: write a method to search the tree for a value and return true or false Group 2 :: write getLargest and getSmallest methods to return the smallest and largest tree values Group 3 :: write a level order traversal using the Java LinkedList as a Queue Group 4 :: write a method to remove a node from the tree – must be recursive Group 5 :: write a method to display the tree like a tree-level order traversal might be useful Sample Output : IN ORDER 70 80 85 90 98 100 120 ROOT 90 80 100 70 85 98 120 PRE ORDER 90 80 70 85 100 98 120 POST ORDER 70 85 80 98 120 100 90 height = 2 width = 5 numLevels = 3 numLeaves = 4 numNodes = 7 isFullTree = true REVERSE ORDER 120 100 98 90 85 80 70 Tree height is 2 Tree width is 5 Number of leaves is 4 Number of nodes is 7 Number of levels is 3 Tree as a string 70 80 85 90 98 The tree is full. 100 120 © A+ Computer Science –Binary Trees – BONUS SECTION The tree contains 100! The does not contain 114! The smallest tree node 70 The largest tree node 120 Tree before removing any nodes – using level order traversal. 90 80 100 70 85 98 120 Tree after removing 90. 98 80 100 70 85 120 Tree after removing 70. 98 80 100 85 120 Tree after removing 85. 98 80 100 120 Tree after removing 98. 100 80 120 Tree after removing 80. 100 120 Tree after removing 120. 100 Tree after removing 100.
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