a. Looking at the above graph, identify the number of odd vertices.
b. Looking at the above graph, identify the number of even vertices.
c. Looking at the above graph. Does it have an Euler circuit? Does it have an Euler path? Explain your answers.
a. Looking at the above graph, identify the number of odd vertices.
b. Looking at the above graph, identify the number of even vertices.
c. Looking at the above graph. Does it have an Euler circuit? Does it have an Euler path? Explain your answers.
3. Find 3 different Hamilton circuits in the graph above.
4. How many distinct Hamilton circuits does the graph above have? List them using A as the starting vertex.
5. How many edges are in K17, the complete graph with 17 vertices?
6. Explain why the graph below has no Hamilton circuit but does have a Hamilton path.
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