Country is south Africa
Product is pop tart
III. MARKET AUDIT AND COMPETITIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Of the guidelines presented, this is the most product or brand specific. Information in the other guidelines is general in nature, focusing on product categories, whereas data in this guideline are brand specific and are used to determine competitive market conditions and market potential. Two different components of the planning process are reflected in this guideline. Information in Parts I and II, Cultural Analysis and Economic Analysis, serve as the basis for an evaluation of the product or brand in a specific country market. Information in this guideline provides an estimate of market potential and an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of competitive marketing efforts. The data generated in this step are used to determine the extent of adaptation of the companys marketing mix necessary for successful market entry and to develop the final step, the action plan. The detailed information needed to complete this guideline is not necessarily available without conducting a thorough marketing research investigation. Thus another purpose of this part of the country notebook is to identify the correct questions to ask in a formal market study.
introduction II. The product A. Evaluate the product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market 1. Relative advantage 2. Compatibility 3. Complexity 4. Trialability 5. Observability B. Major problems and resistances to product acceptance based on the preceding evaluation III. The market A. Describe the market(s) in which the product is to be sold 1. Geographical region(s) 2. Forms of transportation and communication available in that (those) region(s) 3. Consumer buying habits a. Product-use patterns b. Product feature preferences c. Shopping habits 4. Distribution of the product a. Typical retail outlets b. Product sales by other middlemen 5. Advertising and promotion a. Advertising media usually used to reach your target market(s) b. Sales promotions customarily used (sampling, coupons, etc.) 6. Pricing strategy a. Customary markups b. Types of discounts available B. Compare and contrast your product and the competitions product(s) 1. Competitors product(s) a. Brand name b. Features c. Package 2. Competitors prices 3. Competitors promotion and advertising methods 4. Competitors distribution channels C. Market size 1. Estimated industry sales for the planning year 2. Estimated sales for your company for the planning year D. Government participation in the marketplace 1. Agencies that can help you 2. Regulations you must follow
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