a. What are the Top-Ranking Management Firms You Should Know? (https://paradoxmarketing.io/capabilities/knowledge-management/insights/what-are-the-top-ranking-consulting-firms-you-should-know?globalNavigation=false)
b. Consulting is More than Giving Advice. (Document attached to read)
c. Management Consulting.
For each of the items above, please list 5 concepts you are likely to remember five years from now and state why they are important or impactful to you.
2: From working with the leadership team and the Strategic Management Process with August + Monroe, what key elements, concepts or information from the experience will you incorporate into your own career? (Document attached to read)
3: Under Capabilities and Competencies, please complete and reflect on each item in the pyramid for you as an individual. Alternatively, if you are currently working, you can do the exercise for that company. Reflect on your personal discovery of having completed the exercise. (Document attached to read)
4: Choose 5 additional tools from the Sample Table of Contents and apply them to you as an individual, or if you are working, you can apply them to that company. Reflect on your personal discovery of having completed the exercise. (Document attached to read)
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