Please follow the instructions carefully:
Read PPT, WBS and instructions before start to work on this paper
this paper must be related with Product and Project, please do not introduce the topic
3 pagesï¼ APA
Hi friend, please read PPT, insturctions and WBS before start this paper.
Please do the following :
Identify goods and/or services in your project that will be obtained from an outside source and establish the register for them.
If your project does not involve subcontracting for now, for learning purposes, you should outsource at least one activity.
– Develop Contract Statement of Work (SOW)
– Prepare Procurement documents including request for proposal and Quotes (Bid)
– establish your selection (of subcontractors) criteria.
1 day ago
if anything unclear please let me know friend, just try to clarify: for this assignment, the assignment purpose changed, but the PPT still same one.
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