This is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT in Microsoft Excel. You will create a sales data spreadsheet for a company of your choosing, and populate it with a sufficient amount of data to be able to use filtering, totals, and sorting. The completed spreadsheet is submitted via Canvas.
You need at least 9 columns and 12 rows (records). Column suggestions include:
Sale_ID: a unique field that represents the sale number
Date of the Sale
Product_ID: represents one of your products; you will create the actual products later
Size (or Color)
Unit_Price: Remember, don’t type in the dollar signs! Use Excel formatting instead.
Customer: represents a customer that you will create later
Subtotal: Quantity_Sold * Unit_Price (use formulas!)
Sales_Tax: Some percentage * Subtotal
Item Total: Subtotal + Sales_Tax
You will turn in your Excel workbook with filtering on, showing all sales of one particular product.
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