Final Project Description:
The goal of this assignment is again to apply concepts from the textbook to real-world phenomena, the only difference is that you will be compiling information from a range of sources. Notice that in the other assignments, the information was all contained (effectively) within a single source (either the case study or the business periodical report). This time, you need to dig deeper and compile the information you need to complete the project as requested. Find an example of a firm that is in a turbulent environment, performing badly and/or in need of a new strategy, preferably a well-known firm about which you can find information online. You can see a few on the Fortune website. Search the Fortune 500s Worst-Performing Stocks.
1. the first paragraph should explain the issue you want to discuss.
2. An overview of the company (e.g., industry, business model, major competitors and the firms competitive advantage over them, etc.).
3. Then you need to do a systematic analysis, which has three parts:
1. five forces analysis. Separate each of the five in different bullets and explain the strength of that threat (weak, medium, high).
2. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, you can explain each dimension (e.g., Strengths) in a separate subsection. A very important thing is that you clearly mention what you want to discuss (e.g., Strengths). While you better cover all of them, focus on those that are specific and related to your solution.
3. PESTEL analysis. Again, try to separate sections to make it easy to follow. And Also, dont forget to focus on main factors that can impact the company.
4. After doing a summary of the issue, following by analysis, you need to suggest a solution. It is very important that your solution be related to your analysis. For example, if you suggest the company to expand its operation, merge with another firm, engage in social activities, and so on, you need to explain how you think it is a good suggestion based on the Strenght and Weakness of firms and/or the Opportunity and Threat that exist in the external environment. One big weakness of essays is the lack of connection between analysis and suggestion. I suggest you this about the factors in this industry define success (key success factors) and the firm should focus on.
5. You can conclude with a summary if you have space.
It is an individual assignment and should be 3 pages with Time New Roman, the double-spaced, and standard margin in Words. Citations and additional data to support your analysis can be added as appendix and are not counted in the page limit.
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