Please post at least one current event article or short video clip response each week. Please post the link with a brief summary. If you are summarizing a video, please post the title and summarize the main topic. You may also share a link with a video you find elsewhere.
Please Note: The articles should tie in with the unit of development.
Additional Note: You are free to pull from the online textbook resources and discuss a theory or idea. You are welcome to include your thoughts or experiences.
In addition to posting an interesting link, please post a reply to another students post.
You may use newspaper articles, journal articles, internet sources, etc.
Useful sites:
Scientific Journals
Science Daily
Please feel free to post an article or video response.
Chapter 11: Physical and Cognitive Development Early Adulthood
Chapter 12: Socioemotional Development Early Adulthood
********I will post the students response below. Discussion just needs to be a PARAGRAPGH long, students response should be 2-3 question long,
************************ Student Response #1 ***************************
This article talks about the new found experiences that college students take part in especially those fresh out of high school. According to the article, college freshmen are more susceptible to substance abuse (more alcohol than drugs) because they are around peers who party and drink. At college there is more freedom than high school and college freshmen just get wrapped up in the influence of others. The article suggests too that social media, movies and television also hype up the drinking, drugs and partying at college and makes it look fun. Of course in reality it is very dangerous and there are many different stats that the article gives about the unhealthy amounts of alcohol intake. The article also talks about the mental affect that alcohol can have on young adult brain function. Older adults who participated in excessive drinking and used drugs while in college, have found that they suffer from mental issues as well as some behavior issues.
************************ Student Response #2 ***************************
Cognition has been a focus for schizophrenia research over 100 years, since the perceptive observations of Bleuler, Kraepelin. It is now very clear that schizophrenia is associated with wide ranging cognitive impairments. Social cognition is a very broad area that encompasses the mental processes needed to perceive, interpret and process information for adaptive social interactions. The most commonly studied aspects of social cognition in schizophrenia include emotion processing and mentalizing. Emotional processing can be described as facial emotion perception. Mentalizing can be described as the ability to decipher intentions, belief of others, including whether they are being genuine. Over 50 studies consistently document large impairments in emotional perception and mentalizing in people with schizophrenia. There is clearly room for improvement in the treatment of nonsocial impairment in schizophrenia. The efforts to develop new medications have been disappointing so far. Although there has been more progress for integrated cognitive remediation approaches at the group level, there is inconsistency in treatment response and many patients exhibit little benefit. One possibility is to examine whether the impact of remediation is boosted when combined with pharmacological therapies.
************************ Student Response #3 ***************************
The article that I found describes a study based around childhood trauma and its effects on us as adults. Through a series of tests they found that extensive childhood traumas can cause someone to be predisposed to higher stress levels. This in turn has a host of different effects on the body. The heightened stress levels can disrupt brain functions, age our DNA, and even impede our immune system. The study has shown that the mental baggage that we carry directly affects our body in ways that one would not even correlate with childhood trauma. This was a very shocking and eye opening article and it really brings to the forefront the idea of protecting our children’s minds. As a parent it is easy to miss the long term effects of childhood trauma, so it is imperative that this information is widespread.
************************ Student Response #4 ***************************
In the attached article it talks about the different types of bullying teenagers endure along with the lasting affects. As we all probably know there is physical bullying, emotional, verbal and cyber bullying. I feel in today’s time cyber bullying is the most common simply because of how popular social media is to teenagers. It states that 30 % of teenagers have been bullied or have a been a bully themselves. It also states that physical bullying is more common in the younger teenage years while the older teenagers often bully through, verbal, emotional or cyber bullying. Bullying of any kind can cause depression, stunted social development, and suicide all that causes problems for the teenagers in their adult years. This is a great read in my opinion.
************************ Student Response #5 ***************************
In the article attached, they discuss Body Dysmorphia and the many causes and effects of it. I think it is very important for teens to be able to find and read this article for themselves. In these days Body Dysmorphia is more prevalent in adolescents because of increasing societal pressures. Along with outside forces the article denotes that Body Dysmorphic Disorder can also be caused by genes, serotonin deficiencies, and brain differences. What surprised me was that Body Dysmorphia could be genetic. These self depreciating behaviors are highly dangerous for the teenage psyche as it can lead to depression or eating disorders. I believe this is a great and informational article for any teen struggling with self image.
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