Select five activities. Type all activities on one document. Name that document, Unit Six Activities, label each activity by number, and do not submit until all five items have been completed. All videos and readings necessary for completion of the following activities are located either in Unit Six to Read or Unit Six to View. Practice sites will be posted with Unit Six To Do.
Activity One: Watch the TurnItIn video (Found in Unit Six to View) and then list the steps for turning in one of your essays for a plagiarism check.
Work Time Required: About 20 minutes.
Activity Two: View the video on EasyBib. Then, click on the url link found as first item in Unit Six to Read(url.htm) link and select, MLA 8th Edition from the list found under the heading, Our Guides. Select and read, Fundamentals of an MLA Citation and list the core elements of an MLA 8 citation, as they are described in the guide.
Work Time Required: About 15-20 minutes
Activity Three: Now, continue to work on the same page and select any three of the How to Cite¦ options on the menu. (Website, book and journal) List the information you should gather for the three types of sources you have selected. 1. (For Example, if I want to correctly cite a journal, I need to include the following information¦)
Work Time Required: About 20-30 minutes.
Activity Four: Open the link for your Reading Workout Challenge. (Found in To Do Follow the directions to read and respond in writing. Hint! If you copy and paste the workout pages into your saved activities document, you will be able to type your answers directly onto the pages.
Work Time Required: About 30 minutes
Activity Five: Open and study the sample MLA Works Cited Sample Page (Found in Unit 6 to View.) Create a Works Cited page by using EasyBib to cite any five sources you have used for your ENG. 111 essays. Refer to the video on EasyBib and the sample page if you need more information as to how you should set up your citing page or use EasyBib
Work Time Required: About 20 minutes
Activity Six: (Revision and editing) Visit the Roane State Community College site for revision (Located in To Read and select Guide to Comma Use and Run-on Sentences from the side-bar menu. Study the information and examples carefully. Correct the errors found in the student-written paragraph below. State the type of error and how you corrected it. Feel free to comment on errors other than those of punctuation and sentence construction if you wish.
Activity Six Revise Paragraph cont¦..
Transgenders base their sexual preference on sexuality feelings and personal reasoning. In reality not all humans will be the same so a new change has been developed; in which being transgender is the world’s new change today. Certain people in today’s society have yet to accept them and they behave cruelly towards them. Transgenders have their reasons and purposes for becoming who they are and always wanted to be because they have to be comfortable with themselves if not can cause mental health issues. They undergo many procedures and through a process to express themselves, through the correct and believable way of their mindsets. So they have to be strong sometimes independent and maybe have someone by their side. Everyone deserves to be happy accepted and free into todays world, no one should be left out because of their sexuality. The world believes appearance is all what matters to but that’s not true.
Work Time Required: About 20 minutes
Activity Seven: Read each statement below. Respond in the left column as to whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with each statement. Think about why you agree or disagree and write one sentence explaining you viewpoint.
Before Reading
After Reading
1. Recreational use of marijuana is harmful.
2. Consuming marijuana by smoking can harm the lungs.
3. Marijuana is an intoxicant.
4. Marijuana can result in slowed reaction times.
5. Continued use of marijuana can result in adverse changes in the brain.
Work Time Required: About 10 minutes
Activity Eight:
Go to Unit 6 to View and click on the link for Cornell Notetaking (Cornell System Educational Videos | WatchKnowLearn) and choose Podcast # 6. View the podcast. Stop the video and follow the directions for preparing a page for Cornell Notetaking, and, then, take notes as you listen to the video on the effects of marijuana on the brain. (Found in Unit 6 to View) You can stop the video by clicking on the screen if the narrative moves too quickly for you, but remember, you cannot stop your professor in the middle of a lecture. When you are finished, recreate your front page of notes in M. Word and copy and paste it into your activities submission. Be sure to include a summary of the page. Use the summary cheat sheet (Found in Unit 6 to View if you need help writing your summary.
Work Time Required: About 30-45 minutes
Work Time Required: About 30 minutes
Activity Ten: Open the link below and study the template it contains. Discuss how using a template when planning an essay is useful.
Doc2 Five Paragraph Essay Structure Unit Six.docx
Work Time Required: About 5-10 minutes
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