Annotated Bibliography: List the sources you will be using for your essay. Do not number the sources. You must follow all the MLA formatting rules for biographical citations (see the course reader for correct formatting and a sample annotated bibliography). Check Canvas for the due date. 10pts.
Below each citation, you must provide a short summary of what, overall, the source is about and how you intend to use that source. Your summary must be very, very, very specific. I am not looking for generalizations. Make sure that the summary of the source is on a different line than the citation itself (refer to the sample annotated bibliography in the course reader).
Remember: you need a total of 9 sources: (1) Michael Pollans Gardening Means War, (2) William Fitzgeralds The Impermanence of Order, and (3) Jim Nollmans The How-To Garden PLUS six additional sources that you find via research.
Of those six additional sources, two may come from Internet sites, but the other four must come from printed sources. However, if your source was originally a printed source but has since been stored electronically online, then you may use that source (for example, articles, essays or books found through an online database).
For the articles in this course reader, use this reader as your source (use the page numbers from this reader).
No revisions allowed.
I will only indicate which citations are incorrectly formatted. I am not going to correct the mistakes for the you.
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