Required Artefact to Include in ePortfolio
Chamberlain MSN FNP Outcome
ePortfolio Assignment Objective
NR500-NP Role
Area of Interest PPT
PO 2, 3, 4, 5,
Distinguish role variations between baccalaureate and graduate level practice.
NR501-NP Theory
Application of Theory Paper
PO 2, 3, 4
Critique theories to include their application to the advanced practice nursing role.
NR503 Population Health
Chronic Health Paper
PO 1, 3, 6
Appraise integration of concepts from population health, to include inter-professional collaboration and the determinants of health, to the role of the Nurse Practitioner.
NR505-NP Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Quality Improvement Paper: SOS
PO 6
Discern aspects of the assignment that inform a critically driven evidence-based practice.
NR509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Reflection Post: Week 8
PO 1, 5
Compare and contrast the elements involved with providing an advanced physical assessment.
NR510 Leadership and Policy
APN Professional Development Paper
PO 3
Assemble a plan for continued leadership development as an advanced practice nurse.
NR599 Informatics
Medical Application Critical Appraisal
PO 1, 5
Translate informatics to quality, evidence-based care.
NR601 Aging
Case Study
PO 5
Devise an analysis that reflects the integration of previous learning to current course, to include advanced pharmacology and advanced pathophysiology.
NR602 Care of the Childbearing Family
Marginalized Women Health Paper
PO 1, 3, 5
Assimilate population health concepts to the practice of women’s health as an advanced practice nurse.
NR603 Clinical Diagnosis
Mental Health Assignment
PO 5
Integrate mental health concepts to the provision of holistic care as an advanced practice nurse.
NR667 Capstone
Narrative Analysis (?)
PO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Students must submit a scholarly reflective narrative that demonstrates how all of the artifacts (papers) submitted, and the course in which the artifacts were produced, meet each MSN program outcome.
FORMAT: Narrative. APA format, to include a cover page, running head, headings, and a reference list. Other elements, such as an APA formatted table, may also be included. Strict adherence to APA format is required. Examples of references that would support this Narrative Analysis might include a required journal reading from a course, material from a nurse practitioner professional web site to include a board of nursing site, or other peer-reviewed scholarly articles. Course textbooks may be used.
Narrative Analysis. All 5 elements need to be present
1. Using synthesis and evaluation, the student authors a 3,000-4,500 word scholarly reflective narrative that demonstrates how all of the artifacts submitted, and the course in which the artifacts were produced, meet each MSN/FNP Program Outcome; AND
2. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student in the COGNITIVE, PSYCHOMOTOR, and AFFECTIVE domains as it pertains to the FNP Program; AND
3. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to AACN’s MSN Essentials for Graduate Education; AND
4. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies; AND
5. The student reflects how one’s own cultural competence has been transformed.
Chamberlain College of Nursing FNP Program Outcomes
1. Provide high quality, safe, patient, centered care grounded in holistic health principles.
2. Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes.
3. Engage in lifelong personal and professional growth through reflective practice and appreciation of cultural diversity.
4. Integrate professional values through scholarship and service in health care.
5. Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice.
Here is an example how I achieved 1 of the outcomes through working at a clinic.
But the paper wants me to use what I wrote on my papers to explain how I achieved the outcomes.
Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome #5 was achieved. Being able to advocate for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based collaborative advanced nursing practice was achieved through this practicum when I was able to educate a patient who had been declining cholesterol reducing medications. This patient, 49-yearold female, was diagnosed with diabetes, overweight, and hyperlipidemia 3 months ago before I met her. On her latest visit, she had lost 16 pounds (in 3 months), increased her exercise level to power walking for an hour 5 to 6 times a week, her A1C was lowered from 7.0 to 6.2, however her triglycerides had increased. This patient obtained all this progress on her own, with exercise and a better diet. I was able converse with this patient regarding her wonderful progress, however I presented her with the news of worsening triglycerides. As I was able to educate this patient regarding her nonmodifiable risk factors such as being African American, she seemed less resistant in starting simvastatin. Through learning specific strategies related to age, gender, culture and the communitys population, I am more confident in providing and educating intervention strategies to patients (AACN, 2017). I was able to address her concern that she did not want to be on medication the rest of her life. I explained that once we got her cholesterol levels and A1C at goal, and maintained those levels for at least 6 months, we would actually start lowering doses and slowly taking her off those medications she was not so fond of. She left the office giving compliments to the doctor and the office manager regarding her new provider (me). She was so grateful and happy with her plan of care she was determined on getting those numbers down. Another patient, came in recently to go over her medications, new lab 8 results and she wanted to see if we could shrink her long list of medications she was under. After reviewing her latest labs, and doing medication reconciliation, we were able to discontinue about 5 prescriptions she no longer needed. According to Pulford (2016), older people with complex multiple co-morbidities are now the main business for health and social care in every setting. This patient was educated on the need to continue her gluten free diet, continue her exercise routine and to return in 6 months to recheck her cholesterol levels, her weight and A1C to make sure her levels were still under control. This patient was also very pleased with all the information she was given plus the discontinuation of medications she no longer needed
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