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Human Culture and Expression Over Time

Human Culture and Expression Over Time

3-3 Short Answer: Human Culture and Expression Over Time
HUM 100 Module Three Short Answer Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: In the resources for this module, there are three sets of movie trailers. Review one set of the videos and respond to the following questions in one to two paragraphs for each question.

1. How do you think the new and old versions represent different aspects of their societies/times? What are the similarities and differences? 2. How does each version reflect the culture and time period in which it exists? 3. After considering the examples presented, think about the artifact that you chose for Project 1. Pose one question regarding the relationship between

human culture and expression in relation to your artifact. Explain one approach you may take to find the response to the question posed.


Guidelines for Submission: Submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Engagement of Response Provides a response to all three questions

Provides a response to one or two questions

Does not provide a response 20

Response Content Responses consider the representation of the time period and culture

Response is unclear or unrelated Response does not support choice of artifact


Question Poses question regarding the relationship between culture and selected artifact, with explanation

Poses question regarding the relationship between culture and selected artifact, but does not explain

Does not pose a question 20

Communicates Clearly Clearly communicates key ideas and thoughts in a short answer response

Response needs clarification in order to support understanding of key ideas and thoughts

Key ideas or thoughts are not understandable


Total 100%

HUM 100 Module Three Short Answer Guidelines and Rubric
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