Elements of Police Subculture Discussion
1.In your response, define subculture and describethree elements of the police subculture. “Do you consider these elements toprovide a positive or negative impact in supporting the official directives ofpolice work?” Justify your response with factual supporting informationnot just opinion based.
2.Review the history of the Knapp Commissioninvestigating police corruption in New York in the 1970’s starting with thehistory of the commission: http://what-when-how.com/police-science/knapp-comm”¦
·This New York Post 2012 article summarizes someof the activities that were occurring prior to the formation of the KnappCommission: http://nypost.com/2012/08/05/new-yorks-foulest/
·Then, address the following questions:In your response, you need to define an’ethical dilemma’ and corruption and identify at least four(4) types of policeethical dilemmas and at least three(3) different acts of corruption that wereoccurring in the New York Police department leading up to the Knapp Commission.Can the widespread police corruption outlined in the Knapp Commission occuragain? Finally, what steps are in place to make sure this type of corruptiondoes not occur again? Your response should be at least 5 paragraphs (one toanswer question, one for defining ethical dilemma and corruption, one for thefour (4)types of ethical dilemmas, one for the three (3)acts of corruption andone for the steps in place to make sure this does not occur again)(QUESTION)
3.Review the article from Criminology on PoliceDiscretion: http://criminology-articles.blogspot.com/2012/09/p”¦
·On April 15, 2013, a bomb exploded at the finishline of the historic Boston Marathon.After the Boston Marathon bombing incident on April 15, 2013, RollingStone magazine featured bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of it’sAugust 2013 edition, seemingly posed as a rock star: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/jahars-wo”¦
·Continue to perform an online search ofinformation surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing for background informationto answer the You Decide question. (Dont use Wikipedia as a source please)
·After the Rolling Stone publication, PoliceSergeant Sean Murphy felt compelled to post the actual police photos of thesuspects arrest through Boston Magazine: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/article/2013/08″¦
·Continue to perform an online search ofinformation surrounding the Sergeant Sean Murphy’s posting of police photos,disciplinary actions against him, and his eventual retirement for backgroundinformation to answer the You Decide question.
·Consider the concept of police discretion, theinformation surrounding the bombing, and address the following questions: DidSergeant Murphy have the “right’ to release the graphic photos?Was it within his police discretion?Was it part of the police sub-culture to notpromote “accused killers’ as rock stars?Was it ethical? Why or why not?(QUESTION)
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